Q and A


We had unprotected sex, is my boyfriend at risk?

I’m on treatment like for two years then I met a guy last year August and he said he wants a baby. I didn’t tell him about my status until early this year cause I notice that during sex he removed the condom penis so we had unprotected sex for sometimes. Now what are the chances of him been HIV positive and how does me been on treatment gonna affect him as he is circumcised.



Thanks for your email.

If you are on treatment, and your viral load was undetectable when you had unprotected sex, then the risk of your boyfriend being infected is very low. When your viral load is undetectable then there is very little virus in your body, and this makes it more difficult for HIV to be transmitted. You can read more about this in our testing and transmission guide.

If your boyfriend is circumcised this can also reduce the chance of him being infected. Again you can read about this in our testing and transmission guide.

Although the risk is likely to be close to zero in this situation the only way your boyfriend can be sure of his HIV status is to get tested. It’s also important to remember that unprotected sex can lead to other sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy, and it’s important to be aware of both of these.

If you are thinking about trying for a baby have a look at our guide to pregnancy and women’s health for information about this.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Dimakatso, if you neither of you have STIs now and neither of you have other partners in the future, then the only reason to use condoms is to stop pregnancy. You boyfirend doesn’t need to get circumcised. Althoug circumcision redices his risk of catching HIV by about 50% if you are hisonly partner there is no reason to be thinking of this.

  2. Dimakatso

    hi I have a boyfriend who is uncircumcised we tested and we are both negative and he is not yet ready to be circumcised and wants us to have unprotected sex/ I wanna know if there are chances to attract STIs even if I am the only person he does sex with and he is the only one I do it with?

  3. Antonette

    Hi I have a question. I found out I’m infected last year October. My cd4 count is 815. I’m not on the pill yet. I had unprotected sex with my bf last week. I told him about my status he still wanted me flesh. What are the chances he’s infected and how soon will the symtoms start showing?

  4. Simon Collins

    HIV doesn’t transmit everytime you have sex, but there is alwasy this risk.

    Please see transmission questions that are already answer in the FAQ page:

    Or in this online guide:
    HIV testing and risk of transmission

    It sounds like you both could try to talk about these risks at a time when you are not about to have sex. But not using condoms he could be making you worried or concerned, irrespectivie fo his health.

    If you are both serious and want to stop using condoms without any risk of HIV, then start HIV treatment (ART) would be something to talk to your doctor about.

    Which country do you live in?

    I ask this to get an idea of treatment options, but also in relations to HIV transmission.

  5. Robin Jakob


    The risk of your boyfriend is lower because he is circumcised. It is also low risk because you have a low viral load. However it is still technically possible. Are you on treatment? If you have been on treatment for a few months your viral load should be undetectable.

    If you are on treatment you should speak to your doctor or clinic. They can help you work out what is going with your viral load.

    Once you become undetectable the risk of transmission is extremely low – close to zero.

  6. londiwe

    I have been in a relationship for 4 years and i am HIV positive. My boyfriend is negative. How possible is it for him to get infected because he is circumcised? My viral load is 212, pleas help, i’m worried.

  7. Robin Jakob


    The activity you describe is low risk for HIV transmission. You can find more information in the answer above.

  8. dineo

    I have been on treatment for about 7 months and my viral load is 43. I had unprotected sex with my partner and he is not aware of my status.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Maleshwane,
    Because your viral load is ‘undetectable’ (under 50) it is very unlikely that you could pass HIV to your boyfriend. The risk is zero or close to zero. This is explained in the Swiss Statement here. Please try not to worry. If your boyfriend is still worried he can get tested after 28 days to check his status but it is very unlikely that he will have been infected by you.

  10. maleshwane

    I am on ARV since 2006 and I have sex with my boyfriend and we were using codom,but it happens that during sex breaks and we didn’t hear a thing.so now my worry is what if I infected him,my viral load is 40,please help I cannot slee