Q and A


I just started odimune and have difficult side effects.

I started odimune last night and after two hours I felt like some things were crawling on my face,my ears became painful,my head feels like its going to explode and it went on until today. I can’t work please help.



Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear about these difficult side effects you are experiencing.

It is very normal to have difficult side effects in the first few days and weeks of treatment. Some people may find that they need to take a few days off work while this is most difficult. Are you able to do this?

Most side effects will get better or go away after a few weeks. If these are very severe and you are worried you should talk to your doctor. If you have any rash you should show this to your doctor. You should be able to access some treatment to make these side effects easier- for instance painkillers for the headache.

There are a small percentage of people who cannot tolerate certain drugs.  You could be one of these people. If the side effects do not go away after a month or so, then you need to discuss this with your HIV doctor. They can usually replace the drug, which is causing the side effect.

Please see our side effects guide for more information.


  1. Simon Collins

    This was recently answered.

  2. QUEEN

    Hey is it ok if I take my madication on different time

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Agnes, please call your doctor or clinic to talk to them. You need to describe the symptoms so they can decide if you need to see the doctor. Sometimes a rash is fine but sometimes it can be very serious. Only the doctor can tell you which it is.

  4. agnes

    I started using odimune 3 days ago I was dizzy the first day,but now itchiness is taking over I have bumbs all over my body,my feet are numb and painful when standing,my ears are not hearing well I wonder what else is in store,my leave days are soon over.how long is it gonna go on?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    There are many reasons why men have difficulty getting a proper erection. For example, it can be caused by depression or by work-related stress.

    It’s good that the doctor gave you Viagra, but your doctor or clinic must make sure there isn’t an interaction with your HIV meds.

    Talk to your doctor and discuss if there are other reasons for these problems.

    You can find out about more about erectile dysfunction here:

  6. Gregory

    Since I’ve started this treatment I have low erections and I can’t perform. What can I do. Because I did consult to the doctor but he give Viagra and still this is persistent.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Sisanda

    Best to tell you doctor about anything that looks like a rash. The doctor can then decide whether ot not this sounds serious.

  8. sisanda

    I started using Odimune about a week ago now I have pimples on my face can they be part of side effects o is it the pregnancy?

  9. Robin Jakob


    Tribuss and Odimune are both generic versions (copies) of a pill called Atripla. They both contain the same ingredients and work in the same way. They just have different names because they are made by different companies. So you have not actually changed treatment.

  10. owen

    Why do doctors change treatment after three months(tribuss/odimune)?


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