Q and A


I just started odimune and have difficult side effects.

I started odimune last night and after two hours I felt like some things were crawling on my face,my ears became painful,my head feels like its going to explode and it went on until today. I can’t work please help.



Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear about these difficult side effects you are experiencing.

It is very normal to have difficult side effects in the first few days and weeks of treatment. Some people may find that they need to take a few days off work while this is most difficult. Are you able to do this?

Most side effects will get better or go away after a few weeks. If these are very severe and you are worried you should talk to your doctor. If you have any rash you should show this to your doctor. You should be able to access some treatment to make these side effects easier- for instance painkillers for the headache.

There are a small percentage of people who cannot tolerate certain drugs.  You could be one of these people. If the side effects do not go away after a month or so, then you need to discuss this with your HIV doctor. They can usually replace the drug, which is causing the side effect.

Please see our side effects guide for more information.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi C,

    Odimune is supposed to be taken only once per day, and ideally at night before a persons goes to bed. It doesn’t need to be taken twice a day.

    If you’re still feeling like this, after you begin to take it only once a day, then you should talk to your doctor. You may need to change if you’re feeling anxious.

  2. c

    I recently started Odimune drug about a month ago and found that it was pertaining to my anxiety at first. I’d feel as though I will die and now, I can’t stop vomiting or sustain my runny stomach. I was taking the pill at 7 in the morning and in the night. I am now trying to take it two hours later than 7 since around that time I’d be busy.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cindy,

    What you’ve described is common when starting Odimune. It should however get better, or go within a few weeks. Its basically your body getting use to the meds. If it continues and starts to affect your life, please talk to your doctor.

  4. Cindy

    I started Odimune two days ago ..after an hour drinking the pill I start to see scary things please help

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nelisiwe,

    Though a rash can be nothing, it can also be a sign that you’re having a reaction to the meds. Therefore, you should go and see a doctor about the rash. They will be able to advice you.

  6. Nelisiwe

    It been 3wiks since I started using odimun I’m dizzy and now my body have a rash also my feet so itchy. Pls help.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lethu,

    What meds are you taking?

  8. lethu

    i started ARV’s on the 15th of January 2018. since then i am not myself. i feel dizzy,confused like I’m drunk. not to mention my moods they have changed completely. but at least i can try to control them. the confusion though,my memory is now very bad. o forget important things. but at least i don’t forget to take my meds at exactly the same time.

    please help i can’t go on like this. i noticed my ears are so painful and i can’t hear clearly especially in place where there is lot of noise. my eyes too,can’t see clearly. sometimes i experience extreme headache that goes with a toothache.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cindy,

    If you’ve been feeling like this for a few months you should talk to your doctor about this. You may need to change meds.

  10. Cindy

    It’s been two month since I started odimune I’m dizzy from then till now and my feet’s have cramps, I can’t walk,but I try to.


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