Q and A


I just started odimune and have difficult side effects.

I started odimune last night and after two hours I felt like some things were crawling on my face,my ears became painful,my head feels like its going to explode and it went on until today. I can’t work please help.



Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear about these difficult side effects you are experiencing.

It is very normal to have difficult side effects in the first few days and weeks of treatment. Some people may find that they need to take a few days off work while this is most difficult. Are you able to do this?

Most side effects will get better or go away after a few weeks. If these are very severe and you are worried you should talk to your doctor. If you have any rash you should show this to your doctor. You should be able to access some treatment to make these side effects easier- for instance painkillers for the headache.

There are a small percentage of people who cannot tolerate certain drugs.  You could be one of these people. If the side effects do not go away after a month or so, then you need to discuss this with your HIV doctor. They can usually replace the drug, which is causing the side effect.

Please see our side effects guide for more information.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nanaa,

    Please see Q3 here:


    You may need to change. This is something that you’ll need to talk to your doctor about.

  2. Nanaa

    I’m taking Odimune, its my second month. They make me dizzy. I’m also pregnant.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phumelelef,

    What meds were you on before?

    Because you have a rash its important that you see your doctor. Even if it may be something simple, it could be a sign of a serious side effect.

  4. phumelelef

    my cd4 is 480 I’ve been on arvs for more than a year and a month ago I was given odimune and I’m on the 2nd bottle. the problem is I have severe itching rash on my stomach, back, arms which is red and swollen and some becomes hard and looks like eczema. even if I take allergex the itching does not stop. this is unbearable. before I was taking generic arvs which were white in colour

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tilly,

    How long have you been on meds? If its less than a few weeks, then yes, what is happening to your body is common. These types of side effects usually start to get better after a few weeks. Your doctor should be able to give you something to help you with the vomiting and runny stomach.

    Our introduction to ART may be of some help:


    If the nightmares don’t go away, you may need to change meds. For more info please see Q3 here:


  6. tilly

    I just started odimune can’t sleep I have terrible nightmares I’m vomitting and runny stomach.
    So there’s no medicine that can help these side effects?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zolelwa,

    Yes this can happen. It should however go within a few weeks. In response to your other question, for how and when to take Odimune please see here:


  8. Zolelwa

    Is it normal to shake and feel cold when using Odimune for the first week.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zolelwa,

    If you’re new to Odimune this is something that should pass within a few weeks of beginning them. Its basically your body getting used to the meds. If you aren’t new to Odimune, or this has been going on for more than a few weeks, you may need to change your medication.

    Even if you’re vomiting in the morning, they will be working.

  10. Zolelwa

    After taking odimune the following day in the morning I vomit,and shake feeling cold
    Can you help me what is happening.


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