Q and A


Questions about CD4 counts and Immunace

please I need your answers on the following questions
1.please what is the benefit of immunace and septrin to a positive woman?.
2.what can cause one CD4 count to fall?.
3.can immunace increase CD4 count in the body ,if not what can?.
4.can a high CD4 count mean that the person is now undetectable?



Thanks for your email.

  1.  Septrin is an antibiotic. It is given to HIV positive people to protect them from an opportunistic infection called PCP. There is more information about using Septrin here. Immunace is a multivitamin. Unless you have a vitamin deficiency there is no evidence that taking multivitamins will benefit your health. You can read more about vitamins and supplements here.
  2. When somebody is HIV positive and not on treatment it is normal for the CD4 count to decrease over time. Most countries recommend that when the CD4 count is below 350 or below 500 people should start treatment with ARVs to increase their CD4 count. Do you know what your CD4 count is?
  3. Immunace will not increase your CD4 count. The only drugs that can do this are antiretrovirals (ARVs). There is lots of information about ARVs and CD4 counts in our Introduction to combination therapy.
  4. Having a high CD4 count does not mean that you will necessarily have an undetectable viral load. It is possible to have a high CD4 count and a high viral load. You can read more about CD4 counts and viral loads here.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Roseline,

    The only thing that can control a persons HIV is ART. Therefore, unless you really want to take immunance, then you don’t need to.

    With regards to high viral loads when on meds. A persons viral load should become undetectable within 3 months though it can take even up to 6. If you’ve been on meds for more than 3 months and its still high this could be an indication that the meds aren’t working. This is something that you’ll need to talk to your doctor about.

    Please see here for more info about changing meds:


  2. Roseline

    1. If immunace tablets do not guarantee high CD4, is there any need taking?
    2. What else could cause the viral load to continue being high on a positive who is diligently adherent to HAART and Septrin and Immunace, eating well?

    Thank you

  3. Lisa Thorley
  4. manu1

    Can a positive be pregnant irrespective of man or woman.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jay,

    When someone is positive, the only thing that can control their HIV is ARVs. Being on ARVs will help your CD4 to rise and your viral load to become undetectable. It reduces the risk of transmission to close to zero and allows people to have a near to normal life expectancy.

    It’s also recommended that everyone should be on meds. Please see here for more info:


    If you are thinking about starting treatment, you may find this helpful:


    If you have a CD4 of less than 350 its important that you starts meds.

  6. jay

    Want to known about HIV, as I am not on medication….

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vivian,

    Please see the following link:


  8. Vivian

    what are some of the symptoms that suggests one is infected with the virus?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Natallel,

    Did you mean, get pregnant with these antiretrovirals? Yes, you can get pregnant if you’re taking these HIV meds.

    There’s lots of information online – including the questions at this link:

    It’s great that you’re thinking of having a baby.

    Best wishes, Roy

  10. natallel

    How can one get pregnant with thise virious?


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