Q and A


Questions from India on exercise and diet

Hi, this is my second mail sir. I am 33 years old. My cd4 is 1515 and i am not on med. I live in India.

I want to know about weight lifting. I am positive but can i join the gym to improve my muscles and practice?

Also, can i drink wine once a week? What are the right fruits for me? Plz help….



Thank-you for your email.

Yes, it is good to continue any sports you enjoy, or to start new sports while you are HIV positive. There is no reason why being HIV+ should stop you weight lifting or joining a gym.

If you do take any supplements related to weight lifting it is important to discuss this with your doctor, especially if you start taking HIV medication. This is because some HIV medications can interact with weight lifting supplements.

HIV positive people can drink alcohol if they want to. Drinking a lot of alcohol on a regular basis is bad for anybody’s health but having the occasional glass of wine is not a problem.

You can continue to eat any foods you want to. There are no fruits that will treat HIV, and there are no fruits that will make HIV worse.

This page has more info about HIV and exercise:

This page has more info about HIV and a balanced diet:


  1. Govind

    On may 29 2016 i had a one time protected vaginal sex with prostiture(female) in hyderabad.
    1. On 19th day i had a pcr rna test,result was negative.
    2. On 32 day i had p24 antigen test for HIV(1&2) and after next day i had hiv1&2 antibody test.

    Now i am confident that,hiv-1 can be eliminated by above test reports
    Now i am worrying about hiv-2,is there any chance still hiv-2 hidden in my body.

  2. Simon Collins

    I am sorry but this service doesn’t answer individual questions about testing and transmission. This is because the answers are already online at the FAQ page:

    or in this guide:


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