
Sometimes i have to take my Tribuss at different times – is this OK?

I’m working day and night shifts. I’ve been told to take my Tribuss at night when i’m doing day shift. When ‘ doing nights i take my pill in the morning before i go to sleep. Is this OK?



Tribuss is usually recommended to be taken at night because you avoid side effects. This is because you will be sleeping when drug levels are highest and side effects are more likely to occur. These have to do with efavirenz, one of the drugs in Tribuss.

If you take your HIV meds at different times on different days you run the risk of developing resistance. This means your meds will not work effectively.

Because of this in UK people that do shift work do not use Tribuss. There are other meds that do not have to be taken before you sleep. Your clinic or doctor should be able to talk to you about any that are available.

More information about adherence.

More information about Tribuss.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thabiso,

    As long as you take tribuss as prescribed, you will be ok. Therefore, the time of day that you take it is up to you. Working in a hot place will not effect how it works.

  2. thabiso

    I’m working night shift this month and I’m working in a very hot place so just want to ask that will my tribuss still work right?? I take them at 20:00 everyday now working 6 to 6

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mj,

    The time that you take your meds is up to you. However, you should try to take them at roughly the same time every day. This is especially important when you first start taking tribuss as it contains efavirenz. Please see the following link:

    The reason why your doctor may have suggested that you take trbuss before you sleep is because this can reduce some of the side effects of tribuss. However, it is not guaranteed that you will get the side effects that are associated with tribuss.

  4. Mj


    I’m about to start taking tribuss, my worry is that I work day and night shift and my Dr says I can take my meds anytime before I sleep. At night before I sleep even during the day before I sleep. He says it’s OK, as long as I take my meds everyday. Is that OK?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Zim, the three meds in Trivenz all stay at good levels for a several hours. This means that even taking them 3 or 4 hours earlier or later will still be okay.

  6. Zim

    Hi I just started my treatment on September,I’m working morning and afternoon shift,so when I’m doing afternoon shift it ends at 22:30 and I arrive at home at 22:55 so Im taking my trivenz at 23:00.When I’m doing morning shift 6-14:15 I’m taking it when I’m going to bed at 20:30 so I not sure if I won’t develop resistance

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi unknwn, your CD4 count is good and strong and the Tribuss will be good for both you and the baby. The meds are the best way to protect your baby from HIV. This is a really important time and you will need lots of support – but both your and your baby should come through this with good health.

    Tribuss might make your moods change or affect how you sleep – but these are side effects that usually get easier in a week or too. Talk to your doctor is you have any troubles though.

  8. unknwn

    hi i’m 7mnths pregnant and my CD4 IS 634 i started drinking tribuss last month so m worried about my unborn child

  9. Robin Jakob


    Drinking alcohol will not affect the way your Tribuss works. It is important to be adherent however. This means taking your meds every day and as close to the same time as possible.

  10. Mkhanyiseli

    Hi i’m taking Tribuss. I’d like to know if it is safe for me to take it with alcohol? Will it still work?


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