Q and A


Can I use Odimune as PEP?

A condom broke during intercourse, now for safety measures I bought Odimune tablets and started taking them just to be on the safer side. Can I be assured that Odimune will prevent me from the infection of HIV? The side effects of Odimune are terrible.



Using HIV meds after an exposure is called PEP.

In the UK Odimune (or the equivalent called Atripla) is not recommended for PEP.

This is because efavirenz which is one of the drugs in Odimune is not recommended in HIV negative people.

One option would be to switch to tenofovir/FTC – just using the two other drugs in Odimune.

Please talk to the doctor who prescribed this, or to the pharmacist, if you were able to by this without a prescription.

More information about efavirenz side effects – they usually should get better.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nombogo.

    Please see Q’s 1 and 9 here:


  2. Nombongo

    My husband is using odimune piis and we make intercoarse without condoms am I safe?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Chris.

    Odimune is a drug that is used to treat HIV. If you are not positive, then there is no reason why your docotor should have prescribed this to you. I would suggest that you contact them and ask them why you’ve been told to take this. If you are not positive, do not take this medication.

  4. Charis

    Hi. I went to the doctor for HIV testing, the results came back negative but the Doctor prescribed odimune pills for me. What does this mean?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Victor

    Technically you are not supposed to use out of date meds, but actually is is very likely to still be perfectly okay.

    If they are years ot of date, then getting new meds is a good idea, but a few months will be fine.

  6. victor

    is safe to drink expired odimune pills?