Q and A


What is the difference between Tribuss and Odimune tablets?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one manufacturer to another.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Cedric, why have you decided to use Trisbuss if you are not HIV positive?

  2. Cedric

    I have not been detected with HIV but decided to use the Tribuss. Is it safe while waiting for my other test in six months time.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dikeledi, Odimune is a generic version of Atripla. Atripla does not cause weight gain, though in some people it can cause the opposite and lead to weight loss. This is not a guaranteed effect with all people.

    Atripla contains efavirenz which is the drug that can cause weight changes. Not taking Atripla with a high fat meal can reduce the risk of these side effects. High fat meals can increase how much efavirenz is absorbed by the body and this increases the likelihood of side effects. Have you spoken about your concerns with your doctor?

    Odimune (Atripla): https://i-base.info/guides/1561

  4. Dikeledi

    Can Odimune tablets make me fat?


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