Q and A


Recently diagnosed – why didn’t the clinic tell me about my husband?

Hi,  I have recently been diagnosed with HIV. Last year my husband was first diagnose with meningitis and a month after with tb meningitis here. Then after everything went wrong he then developed a skin disorder which result in him being hospitalized. I then after a year learned he was HIV positive which shocked me and I had myself tested and it came through as positive I’m still trying to process it since we are married 20 years and I have never ever been unfaitlfull to him. I still try to process this whole change in my life and I have children by him.

My argument is why he never recieved counselling. Why was I not notified or counselled. In the time he was diagnosed what procedure was to be put in to place because to my knowledge if this is a transmitted decease why wasn’t I protected. I still tested negative in 2019. Please advice as I need this.



Thanks. I am sorry to hear how difficult things must have been and thanks for sharing something of this experience.

How are you doing as this must be a confusing time and it sounds like you were not expecting this.

Although I don’t have answers to all your questions, I can tell you that many other people have gone through similar experiences. There is no one way to help your come to terms with what has happened. Even without know the details I think it is likely that your husband did not make any of this happen deliberately – although that is no excuse for him not talking to you earlier.

Although you expected the clinic to tell you, for various reasons this rarely happens. The clinic may not have known about your or that you were at any risk, for example.

I am HIV positive too and I have spoken to maybe thousands of people over many years. One of ot the things that make this easier is if you can find a way to look forward, rather than back. The past can’t be undone, but the future still has so much to be positive about.

This is not making any comment about the relationship with your husband. You might, by talking, find a way to understand what happened and to continue together. Counselling now night help you in a way that it didn’t help him. You might also decide you either need time to think or that you don’t want this relationship to continue.

If you haven’t already been told, or maybe don’t belief it, mosern HIV treatment are VERY effective. They can keep you healthy to have a normal life span. You can carry on with your previous plans, including raising your family and go one to have grandchildren.

So my first questions are focussed just on you.

  • Do you have results from the first blood tests yet? These are called a CD4 count and viral load.
  • Do you have a good relationship with your doctor?
  • Do you have access to HIV treatment?
  • Do you know anyone else who is HIV positive or have you been able to tell any of your friends and family.

If it would help to write to i-Base in confidence rather than replying online, please email:
questions@i-Base.org.uk and ask for this to be answered by me.

My name is Simon and slowly you will get through everything okay – even if it doesn’t feel like this right now :)


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tasha, I’m Josh and I also work on this service along with Simon, I am sorry to hear about your weight loss. Unfortunately this is a common side effect with zidovudine, it is really good that you have been switched to TLD so soon from starting in August. Switching can sometimes allow for fat loss to be recovered however this is not guaranteed. As you were only taking it for a short time hopefully these will not be long term effects. Have you noticed any differences yet since switching to TLD in your weight? This is a link to a guide about fat recovery depending on how you are currently doing: https://i-base.info/guides/side/fat-loss-lipoatrophy

    It is great that your CD4 count has gone up though unfortunate about your viral load. This is likely the reason for your medication being switched. It is possible that you have a resistant form of HIV to your initial drugs which is why your viral load rebounded. Do you know if your husbands treatment is working? and is he being adherent with it?

  2. Tasha

    Hello Simon. I started taking a combination of nevirapine lamuvudine and zidovudine in august of 2022 and took it for 4months. I had a cd4 of 467 and VL of 25 before I started in August.
    In November I did another cd4 and VL test and noticed that Cd4 increased by 10 so it’s 477now while VL increased to 56,000. Why did this happen?.
    Also my question is I had fat loss on my face neck arms thighs and legs and have somewhat made me feel ashamed. I recently switched to TLD Art. Will this TLD Reverse the fat loss I experienced and will I gain fat again in my buttocks/hips thighs legs and arms. Especially my face (Cheeks)?? Iv been taking TLD for 2 weeks now when will I start to see improvement on how I look. And is fat loss reversible.


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