Q and A


What does Log 10 RNA value mean?

My last result was LOG 10 HIV RNA value 2.663. Is this good and shows that the medicine is working?


Hi, how are you doing?

Logs can be confusing but this is the right direction for your results. How long have you been on medication? A log value of 2.663 equals a viral load of 398. At diagnosis viral load can be over 100,000. Yours is encouraging suggesting that the medication is working. HIV medication can work quickly and within the first month is likely to be undetectable, though guidelines suggest waiting 3 months to be sure.

This table converts log values to viral load levels. 

If you have any more questions please ask,



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Angel, a viral load of 1477 means that HIV is active in your body. Was this result given as copies/mL?

    Are you on treatment and/or how long have you been living with HIV?

    When on treatment it is expected that your viral load will drop to below 200. Have you been told what your CD4 count is?

    A viral load above 200 means there is still of risk of passing on HIV to someone else. There also is some impact of HIV on your immune system. How is your health in general?

    More information about viral load can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/viral-load

  2. Angel

    Mi carga viral es 1.477, que quiere decir eso?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Jose, this service is only in English, but Google translates your questions as:
    “Can I use the injectable HIV drug lenacapavir if I had hepatitis B many years ago but cleared it?”


    Lenacapavir is only one drug and needs to be used in combination with other active HIV drugs. Some of these other drugs are likely to be active against hepatitis B, if you still need to treat both viruses. Please ask your doctor about this though as they will have your full medical history. For example, if you do still need hepatitis B treatment these other drgs would still be included in your combination.

    Lenacapavir is also only approved right now to treat multidrug HIV resistance. It has not been approved yet for earlier treatment.

    I do not know how accurate Google is, but they translate this back to Spanish as:
    “Lenacapavir es solo un medicamento y debe usarse en combinación con otros medicamentos activos contra el VIH. Es probable que algunos de estos otros medicamentos sean activos contra la hepatitis B, si aún necesita tratar ambos virus. Pregúntele a su médico acerca de esto, ya que tendrán su historial médico completo. Por ejemplo, si aún necesita tratamiento para la hepatitis B, estos otros medicamentos aún estarían incluidos en su combinación.

    Lenacapavir solo está aprobado en este momento para tratar la resistencia del VIH a múltiples fármacos. Todavía no ha sido aprobado para un tratamiento anterior.”

  4. Jose

    Se puede usar el tratamiento inyectable de lenacapavir contra el VIH si se tuvo hepatitis b hace años y ahora es negativo?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jose, a viral load of 50 is excellent. It means that your treatment is suppressing HIV. As your viral load is below 200 you cannot pass on HIV to someone else via sex. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  6. Jose

    50 copias. Y 1699 en el log es indetectable la carga


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