Q and A


I am experiencing potential symptoms while on PEP.

Hello, I had an exposure on 02/26 (insertive, no condom). I started PEP within 4 hours of the exposure. It’s been 10 days since then and I have some allergy symptoms: sporadic runny nose and some mild itching.

Living in the US, it is common to have allergies during this season (Spring), and I don’t think these symptoms (as I said, they are mild) are related to PEP or the exposure (even when internally I’m panicking). Do you think they could be related to a side effect of PEP, or worse? and may I take Allegra (Fexofenadine HCI 180mg) to calm those symptoms?

I really appreciate your help.


Hi, how are you doing?

What medication are you taking for PEP? If you are on a combination that is tenofovir DF + emtricitabine + raltegravir OR dolutegravir, there is no interaction with fexofenadine – it is safe to take both together.

As you have mentioned, hay fever is common in the US in Spring. It is much more likely that this is just that instead of anything else. Also, these symptoms are very mild and in combination is very suggestive of hay fever. It is not likely this is HIV. You are on PEP and being the insertive parter would further reduce your risk.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tim, how long have you had tonsillitis? This is not suggestive of PEP failure.

  2. tim

    i’ve got Chronic Tonsillitis after finished my pep (25day after)
    can it be pep failure that cause symptoms?
    no rash, no fever, but with light Sore throat Swollen lymph glands.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tim, this is not a high risk exposure. Transmission from oral sex is almost impossible. In this case it would not have been recommended you use PEP. Please see here for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. tim

    i really wish my pep will work,,,
    i in a great mental stress….can’t work well
    my potential exposure was given oral sex to a girl for about 10~20sec top and recive oral sex
    am i in great risk?


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