Q and A


Is Ranega working?

Good day I’ve been on ranaga for 6 months on the 6 month I dd tests towards the end of it then my results come back on the mid 7 month at that tym I dd have a treatment for almost a 2 weeks then I had a prep on those 2 weeks bcoz another medical practitioner referred prep as an ARV , is there any thing wrong with tht ….but nw I’m bk on my treatment I had less than 40 viral load nd more than 800 cd4


Hi, how are you doing?

Unfortunately your question is not too clear. I don’t think I understand your question.
It sounds like you recently found out you are HIV positive and you used Ranega treatment very well for the first six months.
Then, you stopped treatment for two weeks and another doctor gave you PrEP instead. PrEP is not ideal because it only has two meds instead of the three in Renaga. It still would have helped though for a short time.
The main thing is you are now back on Renega again and your results show everything is working well.
Your viral load is very low. This means that your treatment is working and you cannot pass on HIV. This means while your viral load is this low, you cannot pass on HIV via sex. Please see U=U.
This is also true for your CD4 count. It is within the range for someone HIV negative or or HIV treatment. CD4 count in this range means your immune system is not damaged.
Please let me know if I misunderstood.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sheila, how much weight have you lost? and over what time period? and when did you start noticing this in relation to starting Ranega?

    Have you been on another type of treatment previously? Ranega is a generic form of TLD. In most cases people find that they gain some weight on this treatment. Has anything changed in your life recently that could have caused this weight loss e.g., more exercise/stress, eating less?

  2. Sheila

    Hi m currently on renaga but lost weight trastically can I change to another meds maybe?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Andy, sorry for further confirming. Does this mean you were taking Ranega and there was a shortage. In the interim before being able to continue with Ranega, you took PrEP instead?

  4. Andy

    Thank you sir I think u have answered me , the reason I took prep when I went for routine blood tests my meds where almost over and the meds on script I couldn’t get them
    At the pharmacy so I had to take prep until my meds where courried to me after 2 weeks


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