Q and A


Am I at risk of HIV from my husband?

My husband tested HIV positive 13 years ago and started treatment 6 years ago. I’m negative and sometimes we having sex without a condom. Is there any chance he infected me with HIV?


Hi, how are you doing?

Have you had a recent HIV test?

Do you know your husbands viral load? As he is on treatment it is likely that his viral load is below 200/undetectable. This means there is no risk to you even without using a condom. This is because if you have a viral load below 200, HIV cannot be transmitted via sex. This is called U=U.

If your husband does not have a viral load below 200, there are still a number of factors that will change the risk of transmission. Given that he is on treatment it means his viral load is being suppressed. The lower the number, the lower the risk. Other facts include: type of sex, how long you are having sex, and even your genes. More can be found here.



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