Q and A


My viral load went up from 58 to 102…

I was told recently that my viral load went from 58 to 102.

I have been on Truvada (tenofovir+FTC) in the morning with food and Sustiva (efavirenz) before bed. but I missed one dose of Truvada during the four months that I have been on them, Do I have to take the medication at exactly thr same time every day? Sometimes, rarely, it has been up to four hours late.


This is more likely to be a blip viral load result, or even a lab error.

Missing one dose of Truvada (tenofovir+FTC) over four months is very unlikely to have had any link to this.

Whether being late with you meds is stopping you getting an undetectable viral load result, will depend on how often you are late. If this is daily, or even several times a week, then the low drugs levels could result in you developing resistance. Much better to try to find ways to help you aim for the same each day.

If you have only rarely been this late, this is also unlikely to be behind your viral load result, and drugs levels of efavirenz give most people an hour or two either side.

Have a look at these two questions which may also help.

My viral load went up from undetectable to 200 copies/mL but I never miss a dose


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Palesa,

    Is your sister taking ARVs? If she is, how long has she been taking them for?

  2. Palesa

    I have a sister whom her viral load is 102 does it mean she is at risk or something


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