Q and A


If I change the time I take Atripla to fit in with my shift work will it cause resistance?

I have been taking Atripla over 5 months now. Due to the change in my work schedule I have been taking my medication to suit my work so that I don’t feel tired at work. I have taken my medication daily though does this affect my resistance?


Thank you for your question.

I am afraid I don’t fully understand what you are asking. Atripla should be taken once a day (daily). Do you mean you have not been taking it daily?

It is important that you take your HIV medications within an hour either side of your designated time. If you are working shifts then Atripla is not always recommended because, as you say, you do not want to be taking it before or during a shift due to the side effects.

If you continually change the time that you take your medication then this could lead to resistance. It could also increase side effects because there will be times when you are taking it less than 24 hours apart and so the levels of drug inside your body will be higher than the recommended dose.

You should talk to your doctor as soon as possible to change your medications so that they fit in better with you life style.

For more information about the importance of adherence please follow this link


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Aubrey,

    If you want to stop taking your meds at 9pm and start taking them at 4am, this is fine. What you should do is skip the 9pm dose, and begin with the 4am dose.


    I’m currently taking ARVs at 9:00pm in the evening. I want to change to 4:00 in the morning. How should I do this?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Bulelwa – this is all just the meds. Please see the link from question 5 here about things to help and about changing meds.

  4. Bulelwa

    I just started with ARV’s( Afiverez ) what is written. Its been a week now. I m so depressed I think of taking all of them at once then I pray upon it. I cry with a lot. My mother doesnt understand y I cry. I take them at 20:30 . My mother is still awake so when she comes in the bedroom she disturb me. Then I start by waking up not remembering where I am…my head feels as big as that sinus advert on tv…my heart pumps abnormal ..then have short breath..feels m gonna go crazy. I do all crazy things…open door go out at night while I cant even stand straight…falling all the way. I hate myself. Lucky I have a teen daughter…but its sad she has to babysit her mom at night. Cant I get another arv’s? or change time?

  5. Robin Jakob


    Are you posting this here because you are on Atripla? If this is the case the change should not have an effect on how the meds work.

  6. Thamie

    I have just started to take HIV treatment and the time I have choosen is 20:H00 so I feel that this time is not suitable for me to take the treatment, I’m deciding to change my time schedule for taking my tablet to be 19:H00 every evening. Will this change have negative results on my system and the functioning of the tablets? Please advise me as I am thinking of changing my intake times.

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nat,
    That’s great! Everybody responds differently so if this is working for you that is great. How is your husband doing?


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