Q and A


My husband just tested HIV positive but I tested HIV negative?

We just found out my husband has HIV today I tested negative and I don’t understand why. Can you please explain.

Also what is lipodystropy?


I am sorry to hear about your husbands test results, but you are lucky in still being HIV negative.

We have had many questions from people in your situation and it is not uncommon. Although you are HIV-negative now, it doesn’t mean you are protected against HIV in the future, so it is important to use condoms now with your husband.

So far you have just been lucky – not every exposure results in infection – but you are still at risk catching HIV.

For more information about your husbands health and treatment see this guide.

Lipodystrophy is the term for a range of side effect to some HIV drugs, that changes the way your body processes fats and sugars. More information is at this link.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nosipho.

    Babies contract HIV from their mothers. If you aren’t positive, then its not possible that your child will be positive.

  2. nosipho

    I have been testing for years and it negative and recently find out dat my baby daddy has he positive since 2013 and I gave birth to a baby boy and still my results test negative is there any chance my 6 month baby positive? ?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Southshore, please see Q1 at this link:

  4. southshorelove

    i have to ask . ok so i was with this guy ten years ago and we was together it like 2007 or 2008 .. i haven`t talk to him in years. i found out in 2014 from someone else that he has HIV .and i been getting tested from 2008 . i always get tested . and i just tested last year and was good .i don`t have hiv. but i was wondering if could take up to ten years to show up in your blood. i am still worried even tho my test come back good . . i don`t sleep around like that at all . i was young then so i am just worried it might show up later

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Samantha, please see Q5 at this link: