Q and A


Can I take omega-3 and multivitamins with ARVs?

Is it ok to take omega-3 fish oil whilst also taking Sustiva and Truvada?

Would it be ok to take a multivitamin like Centum?

Qhat about rooibos tea and green tea?


You are right to check any interactions with ARVs first.

In these examples, all are fine to take with any ARV combination.

Omega-3 can reduce tryglcerides (and cholesterol to a lesser extent) and can reduce risk of heart disease when diet changes haven’t rediced these to target levels.

Multivitamins are fine too are green tea and rooibos tea.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Lemah, there is no such thing as a ‘liver cleanse’. Your liver is designed to help your body filter things it doesn’t need and doesn’t need any help or a ‘cleanse’ to do this. The liver does a lots of other things too :)

  2. Lemah

    Good morning, I did a 5 day liver cleanse with olive oil, lemon and fre pinches of cayenne pepper. Does this have any negative impact to Trevir/Atripla med The reason I’m asking is I finished my 5 days Saturday and Subday afternoon I started having itchy red marks on my legs and the back od my neck started to feel cringy and knotty. Will that be the cause? I am worried


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