Q and A


Coronavirus (CoV-2) and COVID-19

Are vaccines against COVID-19 effective?

If the COVID-19 vaccine is lifesaving, why is not available to everyone in the world?

I experienced racism in the health system and receiving HIV care. How can you tell me this won’t be the same?

If the government didn’t protect me from COVID-19 coronavirus, why should I trust them with the COVID-19 vaccine?

How do I know I’m being treated equally? How do I know this isn’t experimentation in black people?

Have vaccine trials included black and brown men and women living with HIV? Or do the findings just relate to the experiences of HIV positive white gay men?

Are black and brown people more at risk of getting side effects?

Is the COVID-19 vaccine affected by ethnicity? Will it affect me differently because I’m black/brown?

Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe if I use chems like crystal meth, GHB or mephedrone?

Can I get the COVID-19 vaccine if I have or have had hepatitis C?

Is the COVID vaccine safe if I have other health problems as well as HIV?

Will the vaccine stop me catching COVID-19? Or just from getting ill? Or maybe both?

Why should I get the vaccine if the person giving me the vaccines hasn’t had it yet?

Who will give me the COVID-19 vaccine? Can I choose?

What if I already had COVID-19? Does it matter where this was severe or mild?

Which is the best COVID-19 vaccine?

How long will protection from the COVID-19 vaccine last?

Should I wait to see how people similar to me react to the COVID vaccine?

Will I get sick with the COVID-19 vaccine like the flu jab?

What are the side effects from the vaccines?

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