Q and A


Coronavirus (CoV-2) and COVID-19

Can I get COVID-19 from the vaccine?

Do I still need to social distance after the COVID-19 vaccine?

How are the COVID-19 vaccines given?

What is in the COVID-19 vaccines?

Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe in children?

Are the COVID-19 vaccines safe in pregnancy?

Can the COVID vaccine interact with oestrogen and/or testosterone treatment?

Will my HIV viral load blip when I have the COVID vaccine?

Could the COVID vaccine interact with my HIV meds?

Do the COVID vaccines interact with other medicines?

Can people with inflammatory or autoimmune conditions use the COVID vaccines?

Can I use the COVID vaccine if I have immune suppression from HIV or cancer treatment?

Can I develop an allergic reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine?

Is the COVID vaccine safe if I have a history of allergy reactions?

Do I have to have the COVID-19 vaccine, if I am offered it?

Is my risk of COVID-19 high enough to need the vaccine?

Why should I get a vaccine against COVID-19?

Can you catch COVID-19 more than once?

Can integrase inhibitors increase weight and can I switch back?

Is it okay for HIV positive people to have a COVID-19 vaccination?

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