Q and A


How can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?

I have just found out that I was HIV positive in March, last year. My CD4 count was 270.

I did another test and it was 284 and my doctor said I must start treatment.

I just want to know what I must do to increase my CD4 count without taking treatment.


Hi, how are you doing?

The only way to increase your CD4 is to use HIV treatment (ART).

Your doctor is giving you good information and advice.

Nothing else, including multivitamins, supplements or herbal remedies can increase your CD4 count. Looking after yourself is important – for example, eating a balanced diet, keeping physically and mentally active, reducing stress, sleeping well etc.  But increasing your CD4 count is only proven by using effective HIV meds.

Even though some companies advertise this vitamins and supplements can help your CD4 count, these are scams. There is no such thing as an “immune booster” and no “immune booster” will help your CD4 count or help control HIV.

Why do you want to delay ART or look at other options? HIV meds are really effective – this is what they were designed for.

ART stops HIV from replicating.  The main aim is to reduce your viral load to an undetectable level (less than 50 copies/mL). As your viral load goes down, your immune system start to repair itself.  This means that your CD4 count will slowly go up to higher levels again.

Currently South Africa recommendation starting treatment when the CD4 count is below 500 cells/mm3. This may change in the future and treatment might be recommended at any CD4 count. (Note: South African later changed to recommends treatment at any CD4 count).

Here is a link to more information about starting treatment.  Please take your time reading it and if you have any further questions do write back to me.

Are you receiving any support from other people? Getting support from your local support group or a counsellor can help you to come to terms living with HIV. Also you will be able to gain and share experiences with others who are in the similar situation as you, rather than having to deal with it in isolation.

This answer was updated in January 2019 and January 2016 from a question first posted on 2 March 2012.


  1. nkululeko

    My CD4 count is low and I haven’t started ARVs. I want to know which food is good to boost my immune system and raise my CD4 count.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alexis,

    All ARVs are excellent. They all control a persons HIV. And this includes what you’re taking, this being Atripla, or a generic version of Atripla.

    With regards to feeling dizzy, this is common when first starting ARVs. More so when they contain efavirenz, like yours does. This is something that should go within a few weeks.

    For more info please see here:


    The link also discusses when you should ideally take your meds.

    You mention that you’ve not told your friend. Have you been able to talk to any one about your diagnoses? Are you able to get some support?

  3. Alexis

    Hi Maam/Sir

    On February 2017, I was accidentally diagnosed reactive and did confirmatory test and it turned +, my CD4 was 840, I was in denial by that time. So this month, March 2017 had my 2nd opinion abroad and i was really reactive and my CD4 drop down to 733. I dont feel anything or should I say asympthomatic.

    In my country they gave me Tenofovir+Lamivudine+Efavirenz (3-in-1 pill)

    My question are:
    1. Is it effective to suppress the virus, the combination pill they gave?

    2. I started my ART this March 13, 2017 and up to now i still feel the dizziness after taking the pill. How long can i overcome the side effects? My friend doesnt know yet about what Ive been goin through, and have no plan to tell. Before we hang out till midnight but for now i cant go with her coz i can still feel the dizzyness. I dont want to get dizzy if we hang out, how can I reduce the effect of dizzyness? Do I need to take something, any food…?

    3. As I do researched online im so confused whether to take this med with or without food. Im taking my med 10pm. The nurse told me that I have to take my dinner by 8pm. What will happen if i take my dinner around 8:30-9pm then i take my med by 10pm? They cook food so late at home.

    Sorry for the long message I made but will appreciate your accurate answer on these matter…

    Thanks and God Bless

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cruz,

    Its great to hear that you’re doing so well. A rise in CD4 from 5 to 341 in 8 months is excellent.

    For me to be able to answer your question, I need to know what meds you’re on. Also do you know if you have a vitamin D deficiency?

  5. Cruz

    Hello I started my ARVS August 2016 with a CD4 count of 5. In January I went for my check up and my CD4 count is 341. I am very healthy. I can feel that compared to before.

    My problem now is that I am getting dark what can I do or use to maintain my completion. I am very worried about my skin, I loved my light skin.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Francis.

    If you’ve had two positive tests, and two negative tests, you will need some other tests doing. Please ask to have your viral load tested. This will confirm if you have HIV as it will show how much of the virus you have in your body. That is if you are positive.

    For more about HIV and testing, please see Q 1 here:


    If its confirmed that you are positive, please get back in touch with us. We’ll be able to help you.

  7. Francis

    I did an HIV test on 13-03-2017 and the results came positive. The counsellor did a confirmation test and the confirmation test came negative. Another test was done on the same day and the results came back positive again but another confirmation test came back negative. My question is am I HIV positive? Please help me

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bradon,

    Being told that you’re HIV positive can provoke all of kinds of emotions. So, if you want to cry, cry. There’s nothing wrong with that. What might help is being able to talk someone. Do you have a close friend that you could talk to?

    The symptoms that you’ve been having, when did they start?

    With regards to your specific question, weight loss due to HIV is no longer common. This is because the meds are less toxic. ARVs today are actaully excellent and really do work. I’m not sure what the weird stuff is that you’re referring to. But if you start meds, you’ll be OK.

  9. Brandon

    Hi there. I’m a 24 year old young gay men and I’ve just been diagnosed with HIV on the 08-03-2017. I first got my self tested on the 20-02-2017 at my works clinic and the results came back negative, but because I was a Blood doner before I found out about my status . I got a phone call from SANBS they wanted to meet up with me to discuss my status so they explained everything and how they tested my blood 3 times just to make sure the results were real, and they still came out positive. So I got tested again just to be sure about they asked me a few sexual related questions and the rest came out positive. I saw it my self and I was brave enough not to cry or think of coming suicide. My symptoms are minor headaches, fever I get blocked and colorless mucus comes out often and I sweat at night as well. My diet is not so bad but I could definitely change a few things and I do go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Tomorrow I’m going to my local clinic to get my blood sample taken so my question is, should I be worried about losing weight and seeing weird stuff coming out of my body at this stage?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Adele,

    What meds have you been taking? And were these the only combination you’ve been on?

    If your viral load has gone up to 630,000 this means that you’ve developed resistance to the meds that you’ve been taking. When you go back to clinic, (choose another one, of the one you were using before is no good) you will need to tell them everything you can about your history with HIV. And tell them that you’ll need to have a resistance test done. There’s more about these here:


    If for some reason they are difficult, share this guide with them.

    Its important that you do restart meds, because only ARVs can control your HIV. Yes the herbal stuff might make your skin better, but it won’t be helping your HIV.

    Even if you have had drug failure, this does not mean that your next combination won’t work. There are a lot of options, and one will work for you.


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