Partner organisations
i-Base works with a broad network of HIV organisations in the UK and internationally.
The translation page links to PDF versions of translated i-Base guides.

Sr Mary Elizabeth, AEGiS founder.
Founded by Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, AEGiS was one of the first organisations to recognise the importance of the internet and email technology as an educational resource.
Developing from two early bulletin boards in 1991, AEGiS became the largest free-access virtual HIV library, including the i-Base HIV Treatment Bulletin. Although AEGiS was taken offline in 2013, i-Base keeps an archive of this resource.
Network of African HIV treatment activists.
i-Base provides administration and development support for some of the AfroCAB projects.
This includes helping to organise AfroCAB regional meetings.
The British HIV Association is a professional association in the UK focussed on HIV and related complications.
BHIVA distributes the i-Base HIV Treatment Bulletin (HTB) to BHIVA members and we have provided advisory support to many BHIVA projects, including BHIVA treatment guidelines.
BHIVA holds two conferences each year and publishes evidence-based guidelines on many aspects of HIV management.
cliniQ is a London-based specialist clinic providing sexual health and wellbeing services for trans people.
i-Base collaborated with activists at cliniQ for two new resources about sexual health for trans people in the UK.
Community Health And Information Network (CHAIN)
CHAIN is a Ugandan organisation that was originally developed by UK activists in 1998. The group runs health programmes on treatment literacy, prevention and children’s support, with a focus on capacity building and strengthening networks and partnerships of grass roots non-governmental organisations operating in the HIV and AIDS sector in Africa.
European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
A European network of HIV treatment activists. Projects include the European CAB (ECAB).
Members of the i-Base team have been actively involved in the EATG since 1997. i-Base have provided resources for translations as part of the COPE projects, and (many years ago) both Polly and Simon have been ECAB co-chairs.
i-Base still actively contributes to EATG and its work.
GAT (Grupo de Activistas VIH/SIDA)
An essential HIV positive, peer-led HIV advocacy project based in Lisbon.
Many of the i-Base treatment guides are translated by the team into Portuguese.
gTt (Grupo de Trabajo sobre Tratamientos del VIH)
An essential HIV positive, peer-led HIV advocacy project based in Barcelona.
Many of the i-Base treatment guides are translated by the team into Spanish. gTt have also supported i-Base with HTB proof-reading.
HIV Pharmacy Association (HIVPA)
HIV Pharmacy Association offers support, ongoing education, training and networking opportunities for its members to improve personal and professional development, for the benefit of patients, pharmacists and technicians.
HIVPA provides editorial support for i-Base publications and we collaborate to produce the widely used i-Base guide Introduction to ART.
Liverpool University Pharmacology department
A leading international educational HIV drug interaction website developed and run by the team of pharmacology experts based at Liverpool University.
The source for many HTB articles on pharmacology and drug interactions.
A peer-to-peer training and educational project for medical professionals and treatment activists facing critical HIV treatment issues.
i-Base is the medical information partner for HIVTRI.
Lila (Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l’AIDS)
The leading network of Italian HIV positive organisations.
Positively UK and Project 100
For many years i-Base have provided speakers for the programme of workshops organised by Positively UK, including the Project 100 that is developing 1000 HIV positive peer mentors over three years.
i-Base developed the resource ART in Pictures for Project 100 and we help oversee the management of this essential project.
Sophia Forum
Sophia Forum promotes and advocates for the rights, health, welfare and dignity of women living with HIV through research, raising awareness and influencing policy.
i-Base collaborated with Sophia Forum to produce the first resources in the UK on PrEP for women. This was specifically to raise awareness about PrEP in time for women to enrol in the PrEP IMPACT Study.
Terrence Higgins Trust (THT)
i-Base partner with the THT to provide co-ordinated information support for people in the UK. When the i-Base Q&A service receives questions about HIV testing or transmission, legal or housing advice, or for counselling, we refer to the THT phoneline.
In a similar way, when staff or volunteers on the THT Direct phoneline have specific questions about HIV treatment that need more detailed knowledge, they refer callers to the i-Base treatment information service.
Treatment Action Campaign (TAC)
TAC is the leading civil society force behind comprehensive health care services for people living with HIV&AIDS in South Africa. Founded in 1998 TAC has more than 16,000 members and 267 branches. i-Base works with TAC to help develop training publications and treatment literacy workshops.
Treatment Action Group (TAG)
TAG is a US organisation focussed on policy related to AIDS research and related health issues, founded in 1992 from members of ACT-UP New York.
Richard Jefferys contributes articles on basic science and vaccine research to HTB and Tracy Swan collaborated on the i-Base guide to HCV coinfection.
From 2010-2016 i-Base collaborated on the annual pipeline report.
UK-CAB – UK Community Advisory Board
The UK-CAB is a national HIV advocacy network with more than 700 members.
The UK-CAB started in 2002 as an i-Base project and it is now coordinated by a steering group elected by the members, with i-Base providing administrative support.
Clinical research groups and advisory groups
Advocates at i-Base are involved with a wide range of research groups.
These include the following ongoing or former studies.
- RIO trial (cure-related research that includes using two long-acting bNAbs).
- EHVA (European HIV Vaccine Alliance). This includes a vaccine study related to cure research (EHVA01 and EHVA02).
- INSIGHT network – (scientific and community committees) and developing CAB membership for UK sites.
- PARTNER study – looked at transmission risk with partners where the HIV positive person is on stable active treatment. Including steering committee and developing a CAB network support in the UK and Europe.
- HALL – UK ageing study – New MRC funded study to carry out in depth interviews with 60-80 HIV positive people older than 50 years.– On steering committee to develop broader community involvement via the UK-CAB.
- LEAP – Long-Acting Extended Release ARV Resource Programe.
- POPPY – large UK ageing study: 1000 HIV positive people (500 over 50 and 500 under 50) plus 500 HIV negative controls. Annual visits, with a full clinical assessment and assessment of neurocognitive function with brain scans, frailty, TDM, DEXA, questions on quality of life, lifestyle and healthcare resource usage etc, as well as sample storage.
- PENTA Network – European paediatric trial network. This position has also included training in Uganda and Zimbabwe with European paediatricians for local trial networks.
- Lablite – MRC implementation of DART project likely to be in Uganda and Zambia. Advisory committee, will include work with local community groups.
- AALPHI – Adolescents and Adults Living with Perinatal HIV.
- ASTRA (large cross-sectional questionnaire study about HIV treatment, lifestyle and transmission in HIV positive people in the UK).
- AURAH (large cross sectional questionnaire study similar to ASTRA but in HIV negative people attending sexual health clinics in the UK).
- CHERUB (UK collaboration of researchers working on aspects of HIV cure research that includes the REACH and RIVER studies).
- CIPHER (a sub-study or ASTRA looking at cognitive function and brain-related disorders).
- COBRA (collaborative EU research on HIV and ageing).
- PROUD – First pilot study of PrEP in the UK in high risk groups, including high risk young gay men who will otherwise be unlikely to access PrEP.
- PANTHEON – Collaboration responsible for ASTRA, AURAH studies and the SELPHI study on HIV self-testing.
- PRISM – Pain Relief Intervention using Self-Manaement.
- Supporting Uptake and Adherence to Antiretrovirals (SUPA) – NIHR funded study to help identify improved interventions for adherence support.
- DHICE – HIV database project – now providing a one-day a week post to broaden community awareness of database research in the UK.
- Advisor on several new NIHR-funded research proposals including and adherence intervention study being led from Brighton, a testing study being led from Mortimer Market and a group of prevention studies known collectively as CAPRA (including PARTNER, ASTRA, CIPHER and START and a potential PrEP study with the HPA).
- Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) – advisor to paediatric development project. Included helping set up an advisory board.
- Southern African Clinicians Society – Advisor and contributor to the Journal and Nurses magazine.
- EACS, PENTA and BHIVA guideline panels, annual Lipodystrophy Conferences, and BHIVA scrutineers board.
- As reviewers for abstracts for the IAS and ICASA conferences, the BMA patient information awards and the journals HIV Medicine and the Journal of Viral Eradication.
- NHS National Reference group.
- London Drugs and Treatment sub group, responsible for the London-wide provision of treatment and care.
Last updated: 1 December 2021.