If you have just found out you are HIV positive…
5 August 2024. Related: HIV positive people, Resources.
If you have just been diagnosed this can be a difficult time. Hey, slow down. Take time. It is going to be okay. Take time Finding out you are HIV positive is often not expected. Even if this is something you …
Pocket pregnancy and HIV
1 January 2024. Related: HIV positive people, Pocket ART, Pregnancy, Resources.
Pocket pregnancy is a small leaflet about HIV and pregnancy. It includes information about planning your pregnancy, using ART, delivery and after care including feeding. This includes a focus on the importance of the mothers’ health and how this is …
Side effects
1 April 2023. Related: HIV positive people, Pocket ART, Resources, Side effects.
ART (HIV treatment) uses very effective drugs with a low risk of side effects You and your doctor can choose and change ART – so that you have the best quality of life. If side effects occur, they are usually …
Pocket PrEP: UK guide
1 April 2023. Related: HIV positive people, Pocket ART, PrEP, Resources.
PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is a way that HIV negative people can use HIV drugs to stay HIV negative – even when not using condoms. Pocket PrEP An A7-sized leaflet on PrEP in the UK. This is an introduction …
World CAB: meetings and reports
22 March 2023. Related: Advocates, Other reports, Publications, Resources.
World Community Advisory Board (World CAB) The World CAB was an early international network of HIV treatment activists that are focussed on better global access to HIV and other treatments. It was first coordinated by activists from i-Base in the …
Clinical trials and research: an HIV community guide (2023)
1 January 2023. Related: Advocacy and learning materials, Guides, News, Publications.
This online resource explains how research studies work and why they are important. It covers how to understand the results and the roles of the advocate in research. Read this chapter online (Section 8 of the training manual for advocates, …
HTB (HIV Treatment Bulletin)
1 October 2022. Related: Journals, Publications.
Read HTB online PDFs Subscribe – it’s free HIV Treatment Bulletin is a technical review that is published every 4 weeks: roughly 12 times a year. HTB also includes related issues including COVID-19 and monkeypox. Articles cover conference reports, journal …
HTB July 2022 now online
7 July 2022. Related: News.
Monkeypox crisis in UK – plus CROI, bNAbs, COVID, ANCHOR, PrEP and more…
ART in pictures: HIV treatment explained (April 2022)
12 April 2022. Related: Advocacy and learning materials, Advocates, Guides, Publications.
This resource explains some of the ideas and science behind HIV and treatment. It is easy to read. Each section includes a picture and summary notes. Additional text in each section tells a more detailed story. It was developed as …
HIV life cycle
1 June 2020. Related: Pictures and diagrams.
Diagrams of HIV life cycle showing how different types of drugs work. Picture from ‘Treatment Training from Advocates‘.
HIV and pregnancy (Spanish)
14 May 2020. Related: Spanish, Translations.
Guia embarazo y VIH (2020) – PDF (1.5 MB) Spanish pregnancy guide
1 April 2019. Related: D.
diabetes – when the body either does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that helps the body turn sugar into energy) or is not responding to insulin (insulin resistance). There are two main types of diabetes and they have different …
Adult and paediatric optimised ART trial tracker
21 July 2018. Related: Advocacy and learning materials, News, Publications.
Trial Tracker is a new i-Base resource that publishes routinely updated tables on the web. This is freely available via i-Base’s Google Docs. Op ART trial tracker i-Base’s Op ART trial tracker follows research on optimised antiretroviral treatment for low- …
Hepatitis C coinfection (Portuguese)
30 May 2018. Related: Portuguese, Translations.
Guia sobre hepatite C para as pessoas que vivem com o VIH 2018 – PDF (1.3 MB) Portuguese translation and adaption by GAT, Lisbon.
Workshops – who we have worked with
1 December 2017. Related: General, Resources.
i-Base has run treatment workshops with the following organisations. African Community Involvement Association (ACIA) African HIV Policy Network (AHPN) Aventis/Dermik training, Longfield Barnardos Project, African Support Group, Leeds Bloomsbury Patients Network Body and Soul, London Brent and Harrow PCT Brighton …
CD4 count
16 October 2017. Related: C.
CD4 count – number of CD4 cells in a cubic millimetre of blood. CD4 counts results are given as a number that can be anywhere from 0 to over 2000 (rarely). The range for an HIV-negative person is usually quoted …
DAAs – direct acting antivirals
14 September 2017. Related: HIV & hepatitis C, Pocket ART.
DAAS (direct acting antivirals) are new hepatitis C drugs that work directly against the hepatitis C virus (HCV). HIV is now easy to treat and HCV can be cured (with DAAs). The meds work very well with low risk of side …
Pocket HIV and hepatitis C guide
14 September 2017. Related: HIV & hepatitis C, HIV positive people, Pocket ART, Resources.
As i-Base is an HIV project, these resources are about HIV and hepatitis C coinfection. Although it can be a difficult to have both infections, the good news is that there is effective treatment for both HIV and hepatitis C …
The evidence for U=U – selected key studies from 20 years of accumulating evidence
13 September 2017. Related: News.
The evidence for U=U: why negligible risk is zero risk
Q and A home
12 September 2017. Related: Home.
Questions and answers Treatment questions answered email or online.