NEAT ID develop COVID-19 and HIV coinfection data dashboard

NEAT ID press release

The NEAT ID Foundation has developed a simple database dashboard to monitor the progress of COVID-19 in HIV positive people across Europe for researchers to contribute to.

The dashboard will show at European and Country level the number of cases reported to NEAT ID with COVID-19 co-infection with HIV, the number of hospitalisations and the number of deaths. The data will be available for public viewing ( and as a summary on the Dashboard. Individual clinic data will only be seen by the submitting site and will be password and security protected.

The database will be real-time and updated on a weekly basis. Data can also be added retrospectively for previous weeks.

To take part and register, please email Your Name, Email, Site Name, City, and Country to:

Individual site login details will be sent within 24 hours.

NEAT ID are also developing a protocol for a clinical study looking at the outcomes, therapies used, and other essential data relating to the progress of COVID-19 in HIV positive patients.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.