COVID-19: research studies

London HIV study of responses to COVID-19 vaccines and natural infection (SCAPE)

Research approach to rapidly review candidate treatments for COVID-19: nine studies using ACTIV protocol

Three new COVID-19 vaccine studies enrolling in the UK

Azithromycin monotherapy shows no benefit for COVID-19: RECOVERY study reports 1493 further deaths

International COVID-19 study launches in Africa but with drugs that have little chance of working (ANTICOV)

Research during COVID-19

Tocilizumab and remdesivir in new dual therapy study

UK guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19: UK prioritises 42 studies

Gilead expand UK sites for two phase-3 studies of remdesivir to treat COVID-19

Community survey on impact of COVID-19 and chemsex

Prospective cohorts to study COVID-19 including HIV

COVID-19 prophylaxis using TDF/FTC and low-dose hydroxychloroquine in Spanish health workers

European rapid community assessment reports for COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccine study opens for recruitment in UK

Trial trackers for coronavirus vaccine studies

COVID-19: medRxiv and bioRxiv websites

Ongoing and planned studies for COVID-19

NEAT ID develop COVID-19 and HIV coinfection data dashboard

Open access publications on COVID-19 include Lancet, Nature, NEJM, JAMA, JID, CID and others

Open access publishing on US PubMed Central

Selected articles by UCSF: download 60 papers