COVID-19: HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Early press conference: cure, gay circumcision, PrEP choices, mpox, and COVID-19

Tenofovir reduces risk of COVID-19 in pre-vaccine studies

Similar COVID-19 vaccination responses in HIV positive people on ART and with good CD4 counts compared to HIV negative controls

US study reports higher rates of breakthrough COVID in HIV positive vs negative controls

Asymptomatic COVID-19 is common in people living with HIV

Longest COVID-19 infection lasted 505 days in an immunocompromised person in London

BHIVA statement on fourth vaccine dose for people living with HIV in the UK

Long COVID may be more common in people living with HIV

New BHIVA statements on HIV and COVID-19 (December 2021)

Reduced responses to COVID-19 vaccines at low CD4 counts

Continued evidence for poorer COVID-19 outcomes in people with HIV  

Immune responses to natural COVID-19 infection in HIV positive people

New COVID-19 vaccine information from Modern ART for South Africa

BHIVA statements on third vaccine doses for people living with HIV

HIV increases risk of severe COVID-19 in largest US study

SARS-CoV-2 variants and immunosuppression

IAS 2021: WHO report links HIV to 30% increased mortality from COVID-19: based on South African data

Antibody responses to Pfizer vaccine in HIV positive people with high CD4 counts

London HIV study of responses to COVID-19 vaccines and natural infection (SCAPE)

mRNA vaccine fails to produce antibody response in late-stage HIV: low CD4 count and high viral load

HIV associated with higher risk of severe COVID-19 in US cohort

Reduced antibody responses to first dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in HIV positive people with a lower CD4 count

Novavax reports 43% efficacy against B.1.351 South African variant but negative impact in HIV positive participants

BHIVA registry reports HIV is independently linked to worse presentation and outcomes from COVID-19

HIV is linked to higher mortality from COVID-19 compared to HIV negative: 60% of deaths were black ethnicity

Case-control study of HIV positive people hospitalised with COVID-19

US CDC includes HIV as medical criteria for priority to COVID-19 vaccines

Review of research into SARS-CoV-2 and HIV coinfection

Similar immune responses to the Oxford/AZ COVID vaccine reported In HIV positive people with high CD4 counts

BHIVA advice on access to COVID-19 vaccines and shielding in the UK

HIV positive people in the UK now elligible for COVID vaccinations – and to become available at HIV clinics

BHIVA and EACS update HIV as a higher risk for COVID-19: supports priority vaccine (January 2021)

Recent studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Very low-level HIV viraemia might continue after COVID-19

Recent studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

BHIVA statement on HIV positive people and access to COVID vaccines

COVID-19 antibody testing for HIV positive people in the UK: HIV organisations reverse previous exclusion

HIV positive people at higher risk of worse outcomes from COVID-19 in UK study

US study of HIV positive people with COVID-19 reports worse outcomes with comorbidities and having a CD4 <200

Outcomes from COVID-19 in French cohort of 54 HIV positive people on ART

Oxford COVID vaccine enrolling HIV positive people at two London sites

COVID-19 outcomes in HIV positive people in two large US cohorts

HIV associated with worse outcomes from COVID-19 in UK ISARIC and OpenSAFELY databases

European and UK doctors review latest studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia (PJP) mistaken for COVID-19 in late stage undiagnosed: urgency of including HIV testing on admission

NYC cohort reports similar outcomes from COVID-19 in HIV positive vs HIV negative adults

Spanish study reports associations between COVID-19 and HIV treatment including NRTIs

Review of COVID-19 in people with immune suppression

Latest studies on HIV/COVID-19 coinfection

HIV positive people in South Africa at increased risk of dying from COVID-19: first data from country with high prevalence of HIV and TB

Update on Western Cape data: people with HIV have small increased risks from COVID-19

HIV and COVID-19 coinfection: case reports, retrospective cohorts and outcomes

Higher rates of serious outcomes in HIV and COVID-19 coinfection in Germany: cautious review

HIV is not linked to higher risk of COVID-19 in large New York cohort

Case-studies show darunavir does not protect against CoV-2

Why it is important to include HIV status and HIV testing in managing COVID-19

COVID-19 symptoms in HIV positive people similar to general population in Wuhan 

Case study of COVID-19 in HIV positive person with history of HCV

Case series of five HIV positive people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Spain