COVID-19: treatment access

Early efficacy results with oral molnupiravir focuses attention on price and access

Third COVID-19 vaccine dose in US cohort of people on immune-suppressing treatment: safety and ethical issues

Meta-analysis of 18 ivermectin studies

CROI 2021: Urgency of global access to vaccines, the potential of mAbs and the lessons learned from HIV

HIV positive people in the UK now elligible for COVID vaccinations – and to become available at HIV clinics

COVID-19 vaccine pricing: a BBC guide

High rates of undocumented COVID-19 mortality in Zambia without testing challenges the idea that Africa has been spared

Drug price announced for remdesivir – as US buys up world stock

UK access to remdesivir approved: but MHRA criteria exclude some who could benefit

EMA recommends expanding access to remdesivir

COVID-19 could lead to 500,000 excess HIV-related deaths in sub-Saharan Africa linked to interruptions in ART supply

Potential treatments for COVID-19 could be manufactured for $1 a day or less

MSF calls for no patents or profiteering on COVID-19 drugs, tests, and vaccines in pandemic

BASHH responses to impact of COVID-19 on sexual health services