July 2007
Volume 8 Number 6/7 June/July 2007
Treatment alerts
Roche recalls nelfinavir (Viracept) due to chemical impurity
European Medicines Agency press release on the nelfinavir recall
Notification of product recall due to Class 1 drug alert
EMEA questions and answers on the nelfinavir recall
Conference reports
XVI International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, 12-16 June 2007, Barbados
Integrase inhibitors and resistance
Treatment failure and tropism changes in maraviroc trial related to previously undetected CXCR4, rather than a mutational shift from CCR5
Mechanisms of failure to CCR5 inhibitors is not explained by mutation in the V3 loop, cross-resistance between CCR5 inhibitors is likely
Higher risk of resistance using lopinavir/r monotherapy
Macaque study shows similar protection from rectal exposure using 2-hour pre- and 24-hour post exposure prophylaxis with tenofovir plus FTC compared to daily regimen
Thirteen NNRTI mutations linked to resistance to etravirine (TMC-125)
14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 25-28 February 2007, Los Angeles
Protease inhibitors in pregnancy
Low rates of HCV treatment among eligible injection drug users
Effect of HCV and HIV on mortality among injecting drug users
HCV/HIV-co-infected IDUs are at increased risk of death from hepatitis-related death in the HAART era, compared with HCV-mono-IDUs
Long-term effectiveness of isoniazid prophylaxis on TB incidence in a cohort of IDUs
The dynamics of HCV transmission among injection drug users in St. Petersburg
Founder effect among HIV-positive IDU in Karachi, Pakistan
8th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, April 2007, Budapest, Hungary
Drug-drug interactions
Pharmacokinetic data with existing antiretrovirals
Antiretroviral pharmacokinetics in special patient populations
Pharmacology of investigational drugs
Treatment access
G8 pledges to Africa are insufficient
Abbott sues ACT-UP Paris
UKs DFID support of Thailand
Roche patent for hepatitis C drug challenged in India
Antiretroviral therapy and premature delivery in the United Kingdom and Ireland
Early response to NNRTI-based antiretroviral therapy among women with prior exposure to single-dose nevirapine
Mother to child transmission during exclusive breastfeeding
Surveillance of mother-to-child-transmission programmes: the case for universal screening
Rapid progression in infants infected with HIV despite single dose nevirapine prophylaxis
Side effects
30 cases of atazanavir-related kidney stones reported
Tenofovir and indinavir associated with increased risk of chronic renal failure in EuroSIDA study
Hepatitis coinfection
Scherings pegylated interferon approved for treating hepatitis C in HIV coinfected patients
Other news
Campaign launched for HIV-positive people denied access to stay in the UK
On the web
Meeting abstracts and reports
Journal articles and online resources
Volume 8 Number 6/7 June/July 2007 PDF
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