Other news

UK campaign to remove Nonoxynol-9 from condoms and lubricants

UK HIV new cases at record high

Trizivir-only arm closed in PI-sparing, naïve therapy trial

Reduced testosterone levels in HIV-positive women

Fosamprenavir expanded access in UK

European approval of adefovir for hepatitis B

European activists highlight importance of gender based research: women experience HIV differently

Antibiotic-resistant skin infections spreading among gay men, also in prisons

SILCAAT IL-2 study saved as investigators take over responsibility and Chiron agrees to continue funding

Drug industry contributions influence clinical research, JAMA study says

Accuracy of pharmaceutical advertisements in medical journals

Lack of new drugs is reaching crisis point, says review

Medicines Control Agency must be more open

Website run by a nun in a caravan is nominated for awards

Infection by closely related HIV strains possible

Chiron halts major IL-2 study, for business reasons

EU increases powers, and speeds up actions, of the European medicines agency

Zinc treatment for diarrhoea reduces child deaths

Topical transdermal testosterone gel offers significant clinical benefits in hypogonadal HIV-positive patients

The Children’s HIV Association of the UK and Ireland – CHIVA

Highlights of the autumn CHIVA meeting

Multivitamins limit HIV transmission through breastfeeding for some women

Prison health services will be taken over by the NHS from next year

Multivitamins limit HIV transmission through breastfeeding for some women

Integrase inhibitors enter trials in human volunteers

Antiretrovirals could stop HIV epidemic – optimism or realism?

Dutch researchers theorise chimpanzees may have survived AIDS epidemic two million years ago

Majority of HIV patients in San Francisco study use alternative medicines

Early data find HIV patients do well with organ transplants

Thai charity ditches V-1 Immunitor

Virus, damned virus, and statistics: the epidemic in numbers

Study finds sexual dysfunction common in HIV-positive men receiving HAART but unrelated to protease inhibitors

ViroLogic announces launch of ‘viral fitness’ assay for HIV infection

Investigations fault HIV/AIDS cure claims

US antitrust case could break GlaxoSmithKline’s hold on key drugs

BMS announces marketing authorisation application submitted in Europe for atazanavir

Natural compound used in India reduces cholesterol by blocking metabolism-controlling receptor

Leading clinician warns of funding crisis associated with UK primary care trusts

New cancer drugs might help treat HIV — but research not done

First report of acquired HCV immunity lifts vaccine hopes

Manganese blocks HIV replication; lab finding points to a potential new class of HIV treatments

Turmeric may slow multiple sclerosis progression

1,500 community representatives expected at Barcelona community forum

Gilead made misleading and illegal statements about Viread, says FDA

Barcelona conference organisers issue nine-point plan of action on global emergency

Rivals Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier launch joint vaccine project

Abbott announces therapeutic drug monitoring scheme for lopinavir/r

Johnson and Johnson to acquire Tibotec-Virco

PRO 542: reduced viral loads in patients failing conventional therapy

Researchers uncover possible drug approach to attack HIV-infected cells

Entry criteria changed for Optima study and treatment options for salvage therapy

IL-2 still available in UK in ESPRIT study, safety management guidelines expanded

Smoking damages quality of life for people with HIV, says study

Nutritional supplements can help people gain weight, raise CD4 counts

HIV-like virus detected in wild chimpanzee

Voluntary suspension of Kava-kava sales following safety concerns

The Chapman Clinic: musculoskeletal treatment for patients with HIV

MDMA: acute effects of ecstasy on T-cell numbers and function

TRAIL ligand induces apoptosis of cells infected with HIV in-vitro

DHEA replacement therapy improves quality of life

Medicinal plant ‘fights’ AIDS

South Africa hits out at pharmaceutical companies on AIDS drugs

Oxihumate may boost immune system in HIV-positive patients

Immune Response Corp to drop study of HIV drug Remune

Asthma prevalence high in HIV-positive men

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