Other news

IAS calls for immediate release of Chinese activist

Thailand’s war on drugs will undermine national AIDS fight and human rights: police given licence to kill drug users

Activists criticise AIDS conference on opening day: Russian ban on substitution drug treatment is an ‘Iron Curtain’ to ARV treatment

Opportunities for healthcare workers to volunteer overseas

Managing stigma – report into gay and bisexual African men with HIV released

IAS statement on US policy for HIV-positive visitors

The dispersal process for HIV positive asylum seekers

Campaign launched for HIV-positive people denied access to stay in the UK

Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis: a serious wake-up call for global health

Global report on TB and HIV: new analysis of TB/HIV epidemics in Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Thailand

HIV transmission, the law and the work of the clinical team: draft recommendations for comment

FDA adds last minute clause into package of patient reforms that protects pharmaceutical industry from litigation in cases of side effects

LGV in the UK: almost 350 cases reported and still predominantly affecting HIV-positive gay men

Letter from Sir Liam Donaldson to all Chief Executives of Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities in England

Knowledge about HIV transmission in the UK declined over last five years

Volunteer opportunity: improve healthcare for HIV-positive children in developing countries

WHO launches new stop TB strategy

Community responses to mainstream US magazine supporting HIV denialists

New US prescription drug information format to improve safety

Jamaican HIV/AIDS advocate Steve Harvey murdered at age 30

Serono labs pleads guilty to the illegal marketing of rHGH: company to pay $704 million global settlement

Commission presents blueprint to fight HIV/AIDS over the 2006-2009 period

Drug companies earn back R&D costs in short term and in developed countries

European activists denounce pricing increases for HIV drugs as ‘unbearable’

WHO – Patients for patient safety: call for participants

Does buprenorphine have a role in preventing HIV transmission and treating HIV-infected IDUs?

Volume 6 Number 9 September 2005 PDF

New study urges caution over widespread criminalisation of HIV transmission

Canada changes visa process for HIV-positive visitors – an example for the US?

CDC estimate over 1 million HIV-positive people in US

Newly diagnosed HIV infection – review in UK and Ireland

Re-emergence of syphilis in the UK: the new epidemic phases

Prescription of heroin is less costly for society

Newly acquired HIV infections are key to transmission

Calls to i-Base phoneline now free from Orange mobile networks

Request for overseas volunteers

Free illustrated HIV guide for GPs and other primary care workers

ARV drug recycling project in UK

First pharmacogenomic CYP450 test designed for clinic use

Coronary artery bypass graft is safe in HIV-positive patients but shows higher risk of longer term events

Use of T-20 at the end of pregnancy to a multi-treated HIV-infected woman with virological breakthrough

Dispersal of HIV-positive asylum seekers: national survey of UK healthcare providers

Medical journals require pre-trial registration in public database as criteria for submission for publication

Activists arrested in Nepal in homophobic atmosphere

Tipranavir resistance and viral response: L90M did not reduce response, recommendation to use with T-20

US government stops scientists attending International AIDS Conference

EMEA releases recommendations for better information for patients

Postexposure prophylaxis does not lead to an increase in high-risk behaviour

Law would permit HIV-positive organ donation

A guide to applying to the Global Fund is released

New HIV cases in England and Wales increase by 20% in past year

Micronutrient supplements may enhance survival; research has implications for poor countries

Durex withdraws N-9 condoms

Controversy surrounds British health plans for visitors to the UK

Doctors warn of death toll from silent epidemic of hepatitis C

New recommended standards of care for NHS services

Vatican says HIV can pass through condoms

Impact of the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa on the pattern of HIV in the UK

Dutch pharmacies sell medical marijuana

UK highest rate of new infections at over 5,000 cases

Medicines Control Agency slated by Commons committee

First HIV-positive heart transplant – with two-year successful follow-up

Drug treatment likely to be based on biased evidence

EMEA rejects recombinant Human Growth Hormone for AIDS-related wasting

England faces soaring sexual infections, warns Adler

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