Q and A


Can I switch between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz?

I am on ARVs and always switching meds between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz. is this appropriate?



All the meds you listed include the same active drugs in the same combination.

In the UK this combination pill is called Atripla.

The different names are because this are made by different companies. It is very safe to switch between them.


  1. Thembi

    I was on odimune now I’m taking volutrip can I know the cause

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi S.D.

    Please talk to your doctor about your viral load increasing dramatically. You can ask for a second test to confirm this.

    Trivenz is safe and effective for treating HIV. But if your viral load is increasing it looks like it’s not working well.

    You can ask what other meds you can switch to that can keep your viral load at undetectable.

    Here’s the i-Base guide to changing treatment if viral load rebounds.

  3. S.D

    I am using Trivenz, but lately my viral load has increased dramatically. What is the cause and should I change to other medication.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bernice,

    What ARVs do you usually take? What ARVs have you now been given?

  5. Bernice

    Hi I am confused I finished my ARVs n I was using Atroiza.so I have to go to the clinic n ask for medication please help me out are Atroiza tablets not the same?

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Fancy,

    I’m not sure what pill is marked RF 21. What did the doctor say they are used for? Please let us know.

  7. Fancy

    Is RF 21 pill arv? What are they used for?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lomagugu,

    This all depends on what the change is. Also which ARVs are you taking?

  9. Lomagugu

    Just want to find out, what you should do if you feel like the ARTs you are taking are changing your physical appearance,

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gee,

    What is the name of the medication that you’ve been given? The ingredients should be on the bottle, are you able to see what these are?


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