
Will HIV tests be positive if viral load is undetectable?

If my viral load is undetectable and I do an HIV test, will it show a positive result?



Viral load tests look for how much virus can be found in a sample of blood.

HIV tests looks for whether your immune system has ever been in contact with HIV.

As immune responses stay with you for life, even when there is no detectable viral load, the HIV test should always be positive.

Even if an HIV cure is found, the HIV antibody test is likely to still be positive for most people.

However, sometimes people who start ART very soon after infection, might test negative with rapid HIV tests. This is a test problem, thoough – the person still has HIV. Please see this report for details.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alan,

    I’m really sorry, but the answer is yes. Which in 2017 is somewhat disappointing. The UEA do not allow people with HIV to live in their country. For more info please see the following:

  2. Alan

    I’m looking at work in Dubai. However, I’m hiv+ but undectable. I know they will ask me to do a full medical. If the opportunity to work in Dubai completely out of the question?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sammy,

    Even if you’re undetectable, you will still test positive when taking a HIV test. I’m sorry, but this is how it is.

    If you could let me know where you live in the world I may be able to tell you what the employment laws are in relation to people living with HIV. I know that in the UK its illegal to fire someone who is HIV positive, or not to employ them.

  4. sammy

    I’m positive and undetectable. Can my HIV result show when I go for normal HIV test? As part of my job, they want to know my status. I don’t want them to know. I’m scared I might lose my job.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi David, there are several ways to report CD4 and viral load results and your girlfriend’s results as a “log”. This is explained here:
    The next link is to a look up chart that converts “log” results to normal numbers:
    This should that a result of 1.7 is a result of 50 copies/mL. The UK defines undetectable as being under 50 but the US defines this as under 200. On this basis your girlfriend has an undetectable result.

  6. David

    My girl friend viral was written 1.78 cp/ml . Please tell me what that meaning and can it b conceded as undetectable viral load ?

  7. Simon Collins

    Thanks James – I am not sure why th travel link was included for this post – but it is a good website so I left this in :)

  8. James

    There should not be any clinical errors with lab testing get lab tested with large hospital go to infectious disease deptament get tested properly and get your sex partners tested then that will give you truth if positive get treatment and live normal life. protect your partners and be true to yourself and others .

    As for travel

    All u need is here

  9. Simon Collins

    I am sorry but this service doesn’t answer individual questions about testing and transmission. This is because the answers are already online at the FAQ page:

    or in this guide:

    You test centre needs to explain results.

    Neither the UK nor the US have HIV tests for a travel visa.

  10. mav

    please I need more explanation.I had sex with a girl with condom the last time I didn’t use condom but before we broke up but I tested positive last month but I am scared of going for
    a confirmation test and tried talking with d girl and she said she is positive and my present girlfriend is negative and we been dating for more than one year without using condom during freking dieing with guilt when I confirm that she was positive yesterday.will it be possible that d result was false positive because it was done 5 times the first 3 showed positive while 2 showed negative but after few hours the lab scientist checked and they all showed 2 lines.does it mean I hv it? and am planning to travel to u.k or u.s am worried I might be denied visa beacuse of this