Q and A


Which immune booster pills will decrease my viral load?

Which immune booster pills or herbal supplement can i take to decrease my viral load?



Booster pills and herbal supplements will not reduce your viral load.

The only thing that can do this is HIV treatment (ART).

Once someone starts ART, viral load decreases very quickly – within a month or two it should be under 50 copies/mL (called undetectable).

If you have already been on HIV treatment for longer than this and you viral load is not under 50 you should speak to your doctor or clinic.

They can help you work out why the treatment isn’t working so well. They can let you know what alternatives are available.

You can find information about starting treatment and information about changing treatment in our online guides.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sibo,

    It’s possible that this could be a lab error, however it may be something else. Are you taking your meds as prescribed, so with food if they needs to be taken with food?

    Which combination are you taking and how long have you been on it for?

  2. Sibo

    My viral load was 2500 after some months its was 200 now its 2630 I’m worried because I’m taking my pills in time every night..what could be the problem?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Willie, thanks. There is nothing to worry about with these results. Once you are on treatment, the most important result is that your viral load stays undetectable (ideally, less than 50 copies/mL).

    None of the changes to your CD4 count are significant. Actually, any CD4 count over 500 cells/mm3 is considered ‘normal’ – so you are well above this. Small changes – even by several hundred – can just be common fluctuations during the day.

    Unless your doctor has recommended vitamins there is unlikely to be any benefit from taking these every day. Unless you have a deficiency, a healthy balanced diet will give you the vitamins you need.

  4. Willie

    I’ve tested positive in 2019. My first viral load was 99 and CD4 was 1468. I’ve started ARV’s immediately after tested positive. Second test done was about 6 -8 months later and Viral load came down to less than 40 and CD4 went up to 1648. After about another 6 – 8 months my 1 year check showed still less than 40 and CD4 dropped to a little bit more than 1500. Except for taking my ARV’s promptly every night I am taking 1000mg Vitamin C + DS24 and Vitamin B Complex. Is it too much vitamins or can I go on like this?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Yonela,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  6. Yonela

    I would like to check whether is it fine for someone whose is using ARVS to take both ARVS and multivitamins

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Richard from Zambia,

    Unfortunately, taking supplements and cinnamon will not reduce your viral load. If you’re HIV positive it’s important that you’re on HIV treatment (ART). What ART meds are you taking?

    What does your doctor say about the supplements?

  8. Richard from zambia

    Is taking mornings and cinnamon reduces viral load? Everyday.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Eugene,

    Although generally a higher CD4 is good, an HIV negative person with a normal CD4 count of 1200 is not more healthy than someone whose normal count is 400.

    The exact CD4 count is not so important. But do you have access to your viral load results? If it’s below 50 copies/mL then it’s undetectable. That means your ARVs are working well.

    What does your doctor say about this?

  10. Eugene

    I have been on the ART since 2012. Last checked my CD4.It was 300.Subsequent checked shows my CD4 is declining. Last year it was 260 .This reduced to 220 this year. Please what is causing this though I take my AVR religiously


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