Q and A


Which immune booster pills will decrease my viral load?

Which immune booster pills or herbal supplement can i take to decrease my viral load?



Booster pills and herbal supplements will not reduce your viral load.

The only thing that can do this is HIV treatment (ART).

Once someone starts ART, viral load decreases very quickly – within a month or two it should be under 50 copies/mL (called undetectable).

If you have already been on HIV treatment for longer than this and you viral load is not under 50 you should speak to your doctor or clinic.

They can help you work out why the treatment isn’t working so well. They can let you know what alternatives are available.

You can find information about starting treatment and information about changing treatment in our online guides.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Emmah,

    Has your viral load ever gone below 50? How long have you been on treatment for? What is it that you’re taking?

  2. Emmah

    Hi im hiv positive ,since 2008,last year my viral load was 176and today is656so im worried pls help me cause i drink my treatment 20:00every day and im not drinking alcohol and i use condom everytym pls help me.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Miriam,

    If your viral load is like this, this means that the meds that you are taking aren’t working as they should do. You’re going to need to talk to your doctor about changing your medication. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/changing

  4. Miriam

    Earlier this year my viral load was 14000 copies then after 3 months increased 130000 copies,then after a month began to decrease slowly 99000 copies,what should do and I’ve been on ARV’S since 2005

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Habu,
    What meds are you taking? If your viral load is 670,000 copies/mL it means your ART is not working. What is your CD4 count? Please let us know. What country do you live in, Habu?

  6. Habu

    I have been on ART for long time approx 15 year but my viral load is still very high about 670000mi what should I do about.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi George,
    What have your previous CD4 results shown? 15 years is a fairly long time to be on HIV treatment. Are you still on the same meds you started with? And have you tested regularly for CD4 and viral load over the years? You can contact the clinic and ask for more details. If they can’t supply them you can ask for new tests to be done to rule out lab errors.

  8. George

    I have been taking the HIV medicine for more than 15 years now , recently I have been up and down and I went to the clinic to check for CD4 count and it failed to read anything . it only shows xxxxx and the sample was taken for viral load but no results has been show to me .

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Silento, as long as your viral load is undetectable from taking HIV medicine, your wife and baby will not be at risk of HIV. Please see this article for more details:

  10. Silento

    how can I get my HIV negative wife pregnant without passing the virus?


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