
I’m on Rizene treatment, does this mean I am positive?

I was tested and my CD4 count was 300. I am on treatment (Rizene). I don’t know my viral load at the moment. what other test can i take to confirm for sure that i have the virus? I am very stressed, my family do not know and i am scared to tell them. Now my CD4 count is 500 and the Dr said i am responding well to medication I am scheduled for a viral load test.


Hi there,

Thanks for getting touch. From your test results, you are HIV positive. You don’t need to seek any more tests to confirm this.

Becoming HIV positive is a shock and it is normal to feel confused and stressed. Things will get better though. For instance, you have already started treatment and your CD4 count has increased. This is really good and a sign your body is fighting the virus. Hopefully your viral load test will confirm this too. Our guide on starting treatment has lots of useful info about what to expect next.

Have you told anyone about being positive yet? Is anyone supporting you? Telling your family will be difficult and this is something you can choose when and how to do. You don’t have to tell them if you don’t want to. Perhaps mention HIV in conversation and see how they react first?

Rizene is a generic version of Atripla. For more information see this link on Atripla or this link on generic drugs.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi not satisfied,

    If you want to have another antibody, then that’s fine to do so.

  2. Not Satisfied

    My viral load is undetected <40 results were taken 15 october 2016.
    I have read that elisa can be confirmed by hiv pcr dna since they no longer do western blot in south Africa.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi jjp – anything above 300 is still pretty good but I need to know whether you are on treatment or not.

  4. jjp

    my cd4 count is 313. Is this still high?