Q and A


How can I boost my CD4 count without ARVs?



The only way to increase your CD4 is to use HIV treatment (ART).

Nothing else, including multi vitamins, supplements or herbal remedies can increase your CD4 count. Please see this question for more info.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anna,

    If you’re having issues with weight, this will need to be discussed with a doctor.

  2. Anna

    How can I boost my weight when I’m using ARV

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Khanyi,

    What is your CD4 count? Do you know what your viral load is?

  4. Khanyi

    I was diagnosed HIV in Dec 2017,but the clinic gave me ARV’s in July 2018,my CD4 count is too low..What can I do?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Richard,
    It’s not really a false statement. The question is how can I boost my CD4 count without ARVs. So the questioner is HIV positive and we know that HIV uses CD4 cells to replicate and as it does so it reduces the CD4 count. Here’s a page from ART in Pictures that shows the immune system in overdrive.

    And here’s a page from the guide to side effects and quality of life. There’s a lot of info here about eating a balanced diet and your health.

  6. Richard

    It confuses me when people make completely false statements. ARTs are not the only way to boost CD-4! Actually, what ARTs do is fight the replication of virus, which allows CD-4s to fight the virus.

    There are now plenty of studies about herbal remedies and how they help boost CD-4 levels by promoting the growth of white blood cells (CD-4s, CD-8s, etc.).

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Noluthando, I don’t know what these pills are, why not talk to your boyfriend about this?

  8. noluthando

    i was visiting my bf n i found this pill in his room it is pinkish n written M110 on one side.. i am not sure yet bt i think its Arv.. please help my confusion, m very concerned about my life now.

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Lebo ART is another word for HIV treatment. It stands for Anti-Retrovrial Treatment.

  10. LEBO

    What is ART?


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