Q and A


What is the difference between Tribuss and Odimune tablets?



Tribuss and Odimune are generic versions of the fixed dose combination pill Atripla. These drugs have different names because they are made by different manufacturers.

Each version contains the same doses of three drugs. These are tenofovir, FTC and efavirenz.

There are no safety concerns from switching from one manufacturer to another.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sam,

    There are no interactions between alcohol and HIV meds. So that’s fine.

    But more heavy drinking however can lead to missing doses of your ARVs. This can cause your treatment to fail. This means that if you have a drink, make sure you find a way to not miss any of your meds. Moderation is important.

    And alcohol can also make efavirenz side effects worse, in particular feeling dizzy. Efavirenz is one of the drugs in Odimune. So be careful about this. Please see this similar Q&A for a lot more info.

    If you are worried about alcohol problems you can talk to your doctor and see if they can give support and help.

  2. Sam


    What if you take alcohol with Odimune?
    What a advise if is dangerous because is not easy to come out of alcohol problame.

    Thank you

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gloria,

    Generic ARVs are just as good as non generics. So yes you can use generics. In fact this is what most positive people take.

  4. Gloria

    I want to know if Trenvir is good for hiv because it is a generic medication?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Khanya,

    Unfortunately garlic can interact with some HIV meds. So please talk to your doctor about any supplements you might want to take before you start them.

  6. Khanya

    I’m on triolar….is it wrong to take supplements such as Vital Garlic&parsley pills

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Boithatelo,

    What did your doctor say about this? Did they say why your meds had to change?

    If you have your CD4 count and viral load results, please let us have this info too.

  8. Boithatelo

    Is there any danger in taking ARV like tribuss /atrozia then change to aluvia…

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zaza,

    Do you mean Odimune? As it says above, Odimune is a generic version of Atripla.

  10. Zaza

    Evening I need help I’ve seen adumone pills in my partner’s closet should I be worried what are those pills for


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