Q and A


Will food or HIV treatment control my HIV?

I am 27 and recently diagnosed as HIV positive. I am engaged with Woman who is HIV negative and we are going to get married soon. My CD4 count is 670. After checking my CD4 count doctor suggested me not to go for any treatment – it can be controlled in food. Can it be controlled by food or do I need treatment. Do you also know any good doctors in Bangalore(India)?


Hi there,

How are you handling your diagnosis? Do you have much support?

Your CD4 count is still strong. This may have been the reason why your doctor did not recommend any HIV treatment. However, food or other supplements cannot control HIV, only specific HIV treatment known as antiretroviral therapy (ART) can. This means you should try and find another doctor or clinic who can prescribe you HIV treatment. HIV treatment is also very effective at preventing transmission once your viral load is under control so you can have sex without condoms.

As we are based in the UK I cannot recommend a doctor in Bangalore personally, but you should be OK as long as one can prescribe you HIV treatment. Our guide on starting HIV treatment has more information.