Q and A


How can I decrease my viral load?

hi my question is that I found out I am hiv positive and my c4 was 64 and am now on treatment. The last time Ii do my varal load was more than 3000, they asked me to do it again this month. I’m stressed to much and that makes me scared. What can I used to boost my viral load? I don’t have a problem with my treatment my problem is the stress I have.


Thanks for getting in touch.

What was your viral load when you were diagnosed? How long have you been on treatment? Has your CD4 increased since you started meds?

I appreciate that you are concerned that your viral load is not undetectable. It is though still low, and will continue to go down if you take your meds. It can take up to six months to become undetectable. It is taking your meds that will decrease your viral load, and nothing else.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Ellen, thanks, the small difference in the time you took your meds will not have afeced this. Please get your clinic to tkae another viral load test though in a few weeks to see whether it has gone back down to undetectable or if it has gone higher. Finding out the new results is important.

  2. Ellen

    Hy I been have been on medication since 2011 and I change time for taking my med 30 min diffent last year August. In March I took 1 year blood test and came back with my varalload 605. What make it go up and what can I do to make it go down.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Zodza. thanks – it is difficult to comment without more information. What are your latest viral load results in numbers?

  4. Zodwa

    My viral load increases but i take my meds every day and I am worried now because i don’t know the cause

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tess, a viral load of 79 is excellent. It shows that your treatment is working and HIV is being suppressed. As your viral load is below 200 you cannot pass on HIV to someone else sexually.

    Not every person will achieve an undetectable viral load, or below 50. This is doesn’t mean treatment is not working. Treatment is working and it is still working well. Sometimes it is just a matter of the type of test used and other factors on the day e.g., recent illness/vaccine. What has your viral load been before this?

  6. Tess

    Hi I was diagnosed in 2016 every month I went for treatment eventually it was undetected I did the bloods in September this year it shows it is 79 how can I reduce it to 50 cause I’m Goin again in December

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nyiko, this is not a significant rise in viral load. Small changes are expected with your viral load and it is most likely this is only temporary.

    This can be a random thing called a viral blip. This happens randomly and just means there is an occasional small increase but will return to normal by your next test. There are also some other factors that could cause a temporary increase inc. recent infection/vaccine.

  8. Nyiko

    Hi, I have been on medication for almost 8 years now. I went to my Dr to check the viral load, at first it was at 171 and now it has gone up to 210. I am worried and I don’t know what to do. I have never used any other meds except for this one I’m currently taking.

  9. Simon Collins

    Dear Nimusa, please talk to your doctor about how your feel. What have they said so far?

    For me to help with information, I need to know the actual viral oad results (ie the number).

    Please either reply to this comment or email me privately.

    The results are important for talking about your risk and when to change treatment.

    Also, is this your first combination or have you used other HIv meds in the past?

    This guide has information if viral load is higher than 1000 copies/mL and you need to change treatment:

  10. Nimusa

    My virus load is increaing higher and I am taking my medication on time every day.

    I worry now about my life.


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