Q and A


I stopped meds, can I begin taking them again?

I found out about my HIV status this year September I was then given arvs on the 18 of October I only used them for three weeks I then stop….. It has been a month not taking them, will I become resistance to the treatment if I start using them next month? my cd4count is 327. Im scared if I start using them again I will get sick so I wanna know if I can start using them again or I should take immune boosters


Thanks for getting in touch.

Firstly, HIV meds are very good and very safe. They work really well. Even if you have trouble with side effects with one combination, it should be easy to use a different one.

“Immune boosters” are just an advertising scan. Although companies might claim this, there is no evidence that any of them work for HIV – or anything else.

These products will not help your CD4 count, nor your HIV. The only thing that will is ARVs.

Having a month of meds isn’t ideal, but please talk to your doctor about this if you are worried.

It is great that you are thinking about restarting as the combination is likely to still work very well. For more info on restarting, please see this earlier answer:


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lydia, yes you can. It is really great to hear that you are wanting to get your life back on track. Do you know your current CD4 count and viral load? and were you last on medication before the 14th?

  2. Lydia

    I started today on 14th taking my medicine but I was indulging in sexual activities and smoking weed, cigarette and drinking can my life get back. To normal with the Arvs

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Pertunia, before any answer, I would ask you why you stopped meds? Pls contact your doctor to talk about this. You can still go back to treatment and it should still work well. But stopping and starting is not recommeneded. This is becasue every time you do this there is a risk of drug resistance.

  4. pertunia


    i have been on treatment for since 18 march. and i stopped taking them after 35 days. now its 10 days off treatment.

    what are the risks and can i go back on treatment?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Lydia

    Thanks – please go back to your doctor so they can help. You also need to know your CD4 count and viral load.

    Starting meds again is easy and you are likley to do really well.

    Depending on what you were smoking, you clinic might be able to help with this too.

  6. Lydia

    Hi I stopped taking my ARV for a year now and I have been smoking. i started taking them this month, will it affect me and will I be normal with my medication?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Constance, yes she can restart taking Reydin. Do you know why she stopped? As she has had a break for a few weeks, is she able to get her viral load tested after restarting Reydin?

    Pain is not a side effect of Reydin, especially given how specific this pain is. Has your mum spoken to a doctor about these symptoms? There could be a number of causes that is leading to this pain.

    This is a link naming the common side effects of Reydin (TLD): https://i-base.info/qa/18961

  8. Constance

    My mom is taking Reydin tables and she got 3weeks not driking medication, can she start to drink them and she is complaing of painful leg and hip.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Annah, this is a link to the i-Base guide about how ARVs work: https://i-base.info/guides/starting

  10. Annah

    I was off meds for 3 months,am still stressed any guidance please about how ARVs work.


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