Q and A


I stopped meds, can I begin taking them again?

I found out about my HIV status this year September I was then given arvs on the 18 of October I only used them for three weeks I then stop….. It has been a month not taking them, will I become resistance to the treatment if I start using them next month? my cd4count is 327. Im scared if I start using them again I will get sick so I wanna know if I can start using them again or I should take immune boosters


Thanks for getting in touch.

Firstly, HIV meds are very good and very safe. They work really well. Even if you have trouble with side effects with one combination, it should be easy to use a different one.

“Immune boosters” are just an advertising scan. Although companies might claim this, there is no evidence that any of them work for HIV – or anything else.

These products will not help your CD4 count, nor your HIV. The only thing that will is ARVs.

Having a month of meds isn’t ideal, but please talk to your doctor about this if you are worried.

It is great that you are thinking about restarting as the combination is likely to still work very well. For more info on restarting, please see this earlier answer:


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi S mda

    Thanks for getting in touch to ask about this. Please do go back to the clinic to get access to the meds again.

    It is okay to tell them the reasons you stopped – or to just say you want to restart.

    The clinic will be pleased that you have come back and they might be able to help over the reason you stopped.

  2. S mda

    Hi stoppe taking my meds for a year and i want to go back taking them. How do i tell the nurses at the clinic

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Simon, where what are found? Are you asking where to find more Trustiva?

  4. simon

    Most of the HIV patients using trustiva complains of regular shortages of the drug. Where are they found?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lisa, why did you stop taking your ARVs?

    As with anything you should speak to a doctor about these pimples. i-base are not doctors and cannot provide medical advice.

  6. Lisa

    Good day
    I stopped my ARV’s a year ago. Now my face has small pimples what must I do?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sharon, it is safe to restart. Is there a reason you stopped in the first place? and do you know your current CD4/VL levels?

    Do you still have access to the same clinic where you got your medication originally?

  8. Sharon

    I took my drungs for 7 months then stoped.its been 8 years since i stoped taking them.i want to start taking them again.is it safe…please help me

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zima, does your sister have any support? Mental/physical health? Yes she can go back on ARVs. Is this something she is willing to do?

    Is her mental health being addressed?

  10. ZIMA

    My sister default her Arvs for 5 years now she’s very sick even her mental is starting to be a problem can she go back to her Arvs and recover from mental illness?


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