Q and A


What is the importance of a high viral load with a high CD4?

I was infected with HIV 10 months ago.

My CD4 count is stable at around 750. However my viral load is still extremely high.

What does that mean and what could be the consequences?


English is not my mother language, for online purpose you may rephrase my question.



Thanks for your question.

First, I’d need to know what your viral load results are. The figure is important because the terms ‘high’ and ‘low’ often mean different things to different people.

Usually, a ‘high’ viral load is over 100,000 copies/mL.

Because you were only recently infected your immune system (which is strong because your CD4 count is over 500 cells/mm3) may still bring your viral load down without treatment, to a lower level.

If your viral load stays high, this is likely to mean that your CD4 count will drop a bit more quickly than average. A high viral load is an independent risk for HIV progression, so in discussion with your doctor, you may want to consider using treatment a bit earlier.

This still wouldn’t normally be recommended while your CD4 count is over 500 cells/mm3 unless you have any symptoms.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jandon,

    Is this a new diagnoses? If it is what you’ll need to do is start medication. The medication, so ARVs will lower your viral load so that your HIV is under control. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/starting

    Your CD4 count is high, this is great.

  2. Jandon

    If your viral load is up to 36533 and your cd4 count is 946 what are risk

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Calvin,

    Though not yet undetectable, your viral load is very low. The risk of transmission will be very low, if at all.


    Can a female person with 124 VL easily transmit the virus to a male with negative status

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Good Day Portia,
    Thanks for your comment.

    Do you know how high your viral load was before you started meds? If it was very high it can take longer to get to undetectable. When people first get HIV, their viral load can be in the hundreads of thousands and even millions.

    However, I’m sorry your doctor shouted at you. There really is no need for this. Can you ask your doctor for your results since you started meds? You can then discuss how well the meds are working. You can also check your CD4 count and see if that is stronger.

    If your doctor thinks the meds are not working you can talk about having a test for resistance.

  6. Portia

    Good day,
    Happy to see this platform , I got tested in Jan and I was + ,So I started my meds that same month. Did my viral load in July and the results came in September and it 4800 counts.as much as I don’t know how these counts work but my doctor was shouting at me that this is very bad your viral load is very high.
    My question is so what’s was the best count was I suppose to have ? And what could have caused it to be so high?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ulendo,

    Fat loss was a side effect linked to HIV drugs that are no longer used, such as d4T and AZT. Are you taking these meds? If so you can ask your doctor to change to newer HIV drugs.

    But if you’re losing a lot of weight there might be other causes. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about this. You can also ask about changing your diet. It might help you gain weight.

  8. Ulendo

    Hav started taking my med on may 2017 but upto now my body still get thin.why is it like that?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thokozile,

    It’s a good idea to go to see your doctor. But it’s unhelpful that she is mad at you. You can ask her to check whether there was an error at the lab. You can also discuss if there has been any change for you. Such as taking meds for other infections.

    You can also discuss all your results including your CD4 count. Checking for drug resistance can come after you’ve talked about this single viral load result.

  10. Thokozile

    I am 20 years being hiv+, in March my viral load was undetectable now on August is at 12000.my Dr is mad with me, she says I must make means to come see her and explain what I’ve been doing. Does it mean that I’m getting becoming drug resistant


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