Q and A


Can I take antibiotics if I am HIV positive?

I have just been prescribed antibiotics.

Does taking antibiotics have an adverse affect on the immune system?

I have been diagnosed HIV+ but I am not yet on any medication. I have not told the doctors of my condition as my clinic said I did not yet need to.


It sounds like you are seeing two different doctors – one for your general health and one for HIV treatment.

Your HIV doctor needs to know about any medication you are taking and if s/he has said this is ok, then you should take their advice.

Antibiotics are used to treat a wide range of infections, and just like an HIV negative person, if you need these to treat an infection then it is important to take them. They will not damage your immune system.

For your HIV care, HIV treatment is usually started before your CD4 count drops below 200 cells/mm3.

More information about HIV treatment and how and when to use it is included in the i-Base Introduction to Combination Therapy.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Andrew

    Thanks – and great you are now on treatment and doing so well.

    The antibiotics relate to having a low CD4 count when you were diagnosed.

    Whether you still need these depends on the CD4 count now.

    Please talk to your doctor about this.

  2. Andrew

    Since I started my treatment in June last year, I’ve been prescribed antibiotics (Septrin) along with my anti-retrovirals (dolutegravir,lamivudine and tenofovir disproving fumarate tablets, 50mg, 300mg, 300mg).

    My last test in September last year, revealed I had a viral load of 49 copies/mL.

    So I’ve taken them side by side together every morning, but I’m just wondering if it’s necessary to take the antibiotics at all.


  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Anonymous. If your doctor has given you antibiotics, these are very safe to take with ARVs. Both types of meds are often used at the same time. There are no drug interactions to worry about – but good that you checked.

  4. Anonymous

    Could I take antibiotics even when I’m taking ARVs

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Daylan,

    Before you take anything else, just make sure that there won’t be an interaction. You can use the following site: https://www.hiv-druginteractions.org/checker

  6. Daylan

    I am hiv+ and I’m using treatment but then then I got in contact with the person who has std and there are white drops coming out of my penis non-stop and the nurse gave me 10 pills to drink at once but it been 3 days now and there is still no change. Is It okay if I go buy antibiotics while I’m on hiv treatment to treat the infection

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Glory,

    A CD4 count of 600 is in the normal range for someone who is HIV negative.

    Are you on HIV meds? Please let us know what they are. Please let us know what your viral load is.

    Here’s an introduction to HIV treatment (ART). There’s lots of info in this guide about starting ART.

  8. Glory

    My cdcount is 600
    I don’t wat to do

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jabulile,

    I’m sorry you’re stressed. But CD4 counts can go up and down. And that’s even during a single day. What has your CD4 count been like in the past?

    However, the best way to tell if your HIV meds are working well is to look at your viral load result. Any result less than 50 copies/mL means HIV is undetectable and your meds are working well.

    Please tell us what meds you’re taking and let us know what your viral load results have been.

  10. Jabulile

    Hi :
    Today was my checking when I get dere dey say my cd4count is 200 so plz help wat can I use to bring back my cd4count back to normal I’m stressed


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