Q and A


Can I take antibiotics if I am HIV positive?

I have just been prescribed antibiotics.

Does taking antibiotics have an adverse affect on the immune system?

I have been diagnosed HIV+ but I am not yet on any medication. I have not told the doctors of my condition as my clinic said I did not yet need to.


It sounds like you are seeing two different doctors – one for your general health and one for HIV treatment.

Your HIV doctor needs to know about any medication you are taking and if s/he has said this is ok, then you should take their advice.

Antibiotics are used to treat a wide range of infections, and just like an HIV negative person, if you need these to treat an infection then it is important to take them. They will not damage your immune system.

For your HIV care, HIV treatment is usually started before your CD4 count drops below 200 cells/mm3.

More information about HIV treatment and how and when to use it is included in the i-Base Introduction to Combination Therapy.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ope,

    Unfortunately we are not doctors at i-Base. But please see your doctor about your symptoms.

    You can ask if there are other antibiotics that can work better for bacterial vaginosis. You can also talk to your doctor about having other tests for the other symptoms.

  2. Ope

    Please have been treating my bacterial vaginosis since with antibiotics but it seems not to go but i took one of recent and the yellowish discharged became white discharge but not my normal discharge yet.. And this is the second time i will have tonsilitis with white pus surrounding it and swollen lymph nodes that do go away within 3 days.. Does this mean i am HIV positive because i am so scared

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Johane,

    Unfortunately i-Base doesn’t have resources to answer more questions about HIV risk and transmission. But all frequently asked questions about this are answered through this link.

  4. Johane

    I had unproteceted sex on 14 september the same day i started having headache for four days and i started to develop sore throat and muscle ache and i havent run any hiv test due to enxiety .

    Does those symtopms mean im hiv positive?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Justin,

    Was it your HIV doctor who gave you the cough meds? What did they say about your cough and the best way to treat it?

    However, how is your HIV treatment going? Is your viral load undetectable, and do you know your latest CD4 count? Please let us know, and tell us what HIV meds you’re taking.

  6. Justin

    I have cough for about a week am.on treat ment doctor just give cough meds to used but cough still here can I get any antibiotics for this cold

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Joseph,

    It’s important to take antibiotics such as Septrin if you have a low CD4 count. Please talk to your doctor and ask why they don’t seem to be working for your rash.

    Your HIV meds should include more than just dolutegravir. Are you taking other meds for HIV? Please let us know.

    And do you have access to your CD4 count and viral load results? Please tell us those too.

  8. Joseph

    Good day y’all …I’ve been on septrin and dolutogravir for the past 9months
    I feel antibiotics kills the immune system ..is it safe for me to continue the septrin I’m in Nigeria and most doctors here have limited knowledge of what they are doing. And I’ve had this rash on my inner thigh for the past 9 months now. .and they keep prescribing amoxicillin and clotrimazole capsule for me yet it keeps reoccurring after weeks

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi James,

    HIV test results aren’t given in the hundreds, please see Q1 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

    Your CD4 count is low, so lower than what it should be for a negative person, so yes there is a possibility that you’re positive. However to know for sure you’ll need to have a HIV test done, for example an ELISA test.

  10. James

    Doctor I went to the hospital to complain of a bump on my genital
    I was then ask to go for two test
    1. Cd4 which I saw 279 as the result
    2. Syphilis: results non reactive
    Was then sent to do another test which is oraquick and that one too they said 280
    Am I HIV+?


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