Q and A


Can I take antibiotics if I am HIV positive?

I have just been prescribed antibiotics.

Does taking antibiotics have an adverse affect on the immune system?

I have been diagnosed HIV+ but I am not yet on any medication. I have not told the doctors of my condition as my clinic said I did not yet need to.


It sounds like you are seeing two different doctors – one for your general health and one for HIV treatment.

Your HIV doctor needs to know about any medication you are taking and if s/he has said this is ok, then you should take their advice.

Antibiotics are used to treat a wide range of infections, and just like an HIV negative person, if you need these to treat an infection then it is important to take them. They will not damage your immune system.

For your HIV care, HIV treatment is usually started before your CD4 count drops below 200 cells/mm3.

More information about HIV treatment and how and when to use it is included in the i-Base Introduction to Combination Therapy.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lindy,

    Are they different HIV drugs? Or are they the same HIV drugs but from different manufacturers? Each company that makes the meds will give the same drugs different brand names.

    Please can you tell us more about the names of the drugs? If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign for support.

  2. Lindy

    Should I be worried if my doctor keeps on giving me different HIV drugs?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joseph,

    Your doctor will be able to tell you how long you need to take the diflucan and antibiotics for. As your CD4 count is low, you should also follow the advice that’s in this post. http://i-base.info/qa/4643

  4. Joseph

    My cd4 count was 6 when i started to take antibiotics and diflucan, how long should I take them and I’m on arvs meds now?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Babalwa,

    If you’re positive then you need to be ARVs. This may be something that you aren’t ready for, it is however important that you control your HIV. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/starting

    When you were diagnosed were you told what your CD4 count is? This is an important thing to know.

  6. Babalwa

    I felt sick for the past 3 weeks, coughing. Then i decided to go and test, i find out am HIV+. I dont know what to do, i wanna go to chemist and buy myself antibiotics. Is my decision good or what should i do? I am still in good health, i am working. Just that my conserned, if i become very sick and i dont want that to happen. Can i take antibiotics before i took ARVs?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ledeka,
    Antibiotics do not work against viruses such as HIV. So you can’t use them instead of ARVs. What ARVs are you taking? And what is your viral load and CD4 count?

  8. Ledeka

    Is safe to use antibiotics in steed of arv?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Tonz

    Each person is different. The time for your CD4 count to become higher will depends on many things. One factor is low it went before you started treatment. Another is how high your viral load went. Another is the meds you are using. Finally, your own immune sysytem also is important.

    The antibiotic is very effective at protecting you until your CD4 count does become higher though. As this might take maybe another year or longer, the protection is important.

    Please talk to your doctor about the trouble you are having in case there is an alternative antibiotic.

  10. tonz

    i have a cdr lvl of 69… how long will i take antibiotic until i get normal cdr level… i am just tired of drinking it.


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