
Can I use an immune booster or do I need to change treatment?

Hi, I am taking ARV’s for more than a year now but my viral load doesn’t go down. Instead it is going up.

What best immune booster can I take to help me lower my viral load?

I am in South Africa and my doctor says I need to change treatment.


Hi there

Thanks – lots here to discuss.

The first one is there is no such thing as an immune booster.

Even though companies might claim this in advertising, they just want your money. None of these products have any evidence that they boost your immune system. There is no evidence they help for HIV or any other illness.

In this case, your doctor is giving you good information.

If your viral load is still high and detectable after a year, you are likely to have drug resistance.

Using new HIV drugs is the only thing that will help.

This i-Base guide has lots more info too:

South Africa has several choices now, and your doctor is right to be taking this seriously.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kyle,

    What ARVs are you taking? What’s included in the motherkind immune booster?

  2. Kyle

    Can I use motherkind immune booster will it interfere with the ARVs?


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