Q and A


Can TLD be used as PEP?

Can TLD help someone who has been in contact with an HIV positive person to prevent them from contracting HIV before 72 hrs?


Hi, how are you?

Yes you can. TLD is a combination that can be used as PEP and for the management of active HIV infection. PEP stands for post exposure prophylaxis. PEP is used to prevent established infection after exposure.

TLD is a first choice recommendation for PEP. The course lasts 28 days following a high risk exposure. It is only used in cases where the exposure was within 72 hours. After this, regardless of what drug is prescribed, PEP will not work.

However, if your partner was using effective HIV treatment (ART) , you will not be at risk. Having an undetectable viral load on ART means HIV is not a risk. Please see:

If you have any more questions please ask,



  1. John

    Hey Josh.
    So met a girl from a club and went with her home so we had unprotected sex.
    So in the morning as she was bathing I checked the small bag she gave me to hold only to find a pill called (LTD) with an M at the back.
    So I suspected that she is HIV so I went to see a doctor and he says there is no need for tests I need to get the PEP pills and I went to buy them with the prescription, and written something Acriptega and looks exactly like the pill I found in the lady’s bag with LTD and M at the back.
    Is it the right PEP and I was told to drink for 30 days and now it’s day one.

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Shadrack, why do you want to take 2 meteladov at once? If you miss a dose and it has been more than 12 hours, it is better to skip the dose and continue as normal. There is no benefit in doubling the dose if you have missed your normal time.

    Taking a double dose by accident is not likely going to cause any significant problems. But as there is a higher level of medication in your body, you may experience more side effects than normal. These will go away in a day or two as the body returns to a normal level of drug in the body.

    If you do notice any alarming symptoms/changes and/or the side effects don’t go away, you should speak with your pharmacist.

  3. Shadrack

    Hi, is it risky to take 2 meteladov at once.

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thando, you can stop now. While on PEP you are protected from further exposures during the course. You did not need to extend the course of PEP.

    Though regarding testing you will now need to consider this your last dose of PEP rather than day 28. This means that you will need to wait 6 weeks from the last dose of Acriptega you have taken to use a 4th generation test to confirm your status.

  5. Thando

    Hello Josh. While on Day 21 of Acriptega Pep, I had an exposure and due to that got anxious and went to a pharmacy and I bought an extra dose. Since then I’ve been on Pep for 19 extra days. Should I finish this new dose or I should stop?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Justus, experiencing side effects does not mean PEP is working/not working. It is a good thing that your body has adjusted to this treatment.

    For more information please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/pep-faq

  7. Justus

    Hi, am currently taking pep (tld)and since the day I took them only the first 3 days had severe side effects like pain in the testis,stomach disturbance and diarrhea,now am on 16 day since exposure and I can see no side effects as I still on pep,does it means that pep will be successful to me or not

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi B, there is no interaction between TLD and Flexon that could reduce the efficacy of TLD. Your course of treatment will still be effective.

    Taking rabeprazole after finishing your course of PEP cannot have any interaction. It will not change how effective your course of PEP is.

  9. B

    Hello. I have been on pep for 28 days( TLD) and made sure I took the pep on time everyday for 28 days. However during ma course I had terrible pain in my knee and I was given Flexon tablets which I took for two days and later stopped because I feared interaction. Do you think those two days I took Flexon can affect the effectiveness of the PEP. Then a day after my pep regimen, I was diagnosed with ulcers and I started on rabeprazole capsules . Can it also affect how effective my pep regimen will be. Thank you

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi John, there is no risk of transmission. You do not need to be worried.

    Please see here for more information: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing


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