Q and A


What are the side effects of TLD?

Hi guys, I recently had sex with someone who was HIV positive. The next day I went to the clinic and they gave me PEP. I am currently on TLD but I am experiencing a stuffy nose, dry mouth and sore throat. I have little red spots on my legs, like a rash I don’t know if this are side effects or not. Please help.


Hi, how are you?

TLD is a combination medication. It includes dolutegravir, Lamivudine and tenofovir. As such any side effects are attributed to these medications. Stuffy nose, dry mouth and a sore throat are not a side effect. It is possible to cause a skin reaction and this should be checked by a doctor – the rash on your leg.

The common side effects for dolutegravir include: anxiety, depression, diarrhoea, fatigue, flatulence, stomach discomfort, headache, nausea, skin reactions, sleep disorders, vomiting.

The common side effects for lamivudine include: tummy pain, anaemia, lack of energy, diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flatulence, headache, insomnia, nausea, low white blood cells, skin reactions, vomiting.

The common side effects for tenofovir include: abdominal pain, anaemia, tiredness, diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flatulence, headache, insomnia, nausea, low white blood cells, skin reactions, vomiting.

These are the common side effects as listed by the BNF. You should note that while these are all common, they are not common together. It is also common for side effects to only be experienced in the first few weeks of starting medication while your body gets used to it. Common also means that it can be experienced by as few as 1 in 100 people.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Cynthia, have you had this skin reaction before? As you started treatment in 2021, this reaction is not likely caused by your treatment. Have you had a doctor look at these spots?

  2. Cynthia

    Hi ,I have started treatment 2021 may n I have a skin reaction I’ve got white spots what can help

  3. Jitendra

    I had unprotected sex with sex worker on 20.01.2023 . I started pep within 72 hours . Currently taking TLD FROM LAST 9 DAYS . THE MAJOR SIDE EFFECT IS I FACED IS IRREGULAR HEART BEAT . CAN I STOP THE MEDICINE OR CONTINUE . PLEASE GIVE YOUR EXPERT ADVISE

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ngambo, have you mentioned these symptoms to your doctor? and have you ever experienced these before starting treatment? The symptoms you have mentioned could be side effects of your treatment but it is important that other factors are ruled out. It is also important that you continue to take this treatment to keep HIV suppressed. Have you tried anything else to relieve these symptoms?

  5. Ngambo

    Hello I have been on tld since November 2021. Ever since I started taking the medication I have been having this pressure in my head, tightness and I feel itchy and pressure in my ears heavy neck. What could be the problem? I have tried painkillers tension headache medicine migraine medication nothing helps

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jitendra, you need to speak with a doctor as soon as you can if you are experiencing an abnormal heart beat.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Clinton, thanks, PEP only needs to be taken for 30 days, not any longer than this. The HIV test needs to be 6 weeks after you finished the PEP.

  8. Clinton

    Hello,i had a needle stick injury as a healthcare worker.i was given TLD to take for 30 days.the patient’s viral load was confirmed 0 but she was positive on treatment.my question is,do i have to continue taking this TLD even after 30 days since i tested negative?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thuli, is Nuvaco what you were taking originally? Nuvaco and Acriptega are the same medication. They have different names because they have been made by different companies so may look different, but they both contain TLD and will work in the same way. For this reason, using Acriptega instead of Nuvaco should not cause new side effects. Has anything else changed?

  10. Thuli

    Good day Josh.

    In July this year, I started taking arv’s after testing positive. I was given TLD (Nuvaco). My CD4 count was 548.
    I was given a 2 bottles with Mi-Vitamin to take for 2 months. I experience no side effects. I admit, I was constant with my meds, at 1st. Id forget them, especially on weekends.
    Then when I went back for my next dose, this time I was given Acriptega, and a few weeks after taking the pills, my skin has been very itchy and I cant help but scratch myself even though it’s leaving me with dark spots mainly on my arms.
    Is Nuvaco different form Acriptega? Why are these side effects affecting me months later?


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