Q and A


What are the side effects of TLD?

Hi guys, I recently had sex with someone who was HIV positive. The next day I went to the clinic and they gave me PEP. I am currently on TLD but I am experiencing a stuffy nose, dry mouth and sore throat. I have little red spots on my legs, like a rash I don’t know if this are side effects or not. Please help.


Hi, how are you?

TLD is a combination medication. It includes dolutegravir, Lamivudine and tenofovir. As such any side effects are attributed to these medications. Stuffy nose, dry mouth and a sore throat are not a side effect. It is possible to cause a skin reaction and this should be checked by a doctor – the rash on your leg.

The common side effects for dolutegravir include: anxiety, depression, diarrhoea, fatigue, flatulence, stomach discomfort, headache, nausea, skin reactions, sleep disorders, vomiting.

The common side effects for lamivudine include: tummy pain, anaemia, lack of energy, diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flatulence, headache, insomnia, nausea, low white blood cells, skin reactions, vomiting.

The common side effects for tenofovir include: abdominal pain, anaemia, tiredness, diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flatulence, headache, insomnia, nausea, low white blood cells, skin reactions, vomiting.

These are the common side effects as listed by the BNF. You should note that while these are all common, they are not common together. It is also common for side effects to only be experienced in the first few weeks of starting medication while your body gets used to it. Common also means that it can be experienced by as few as 1 in 100 people.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nkosinathi, is your partner on treatment? and if so does she know her viral load? Being on treatment with a suppressed viral low (below 200/undetectable) there is no risk of transmission. This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    There are a number of factors that change someones risk for HIV transmission. This is explained here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/risks-for-transmission

    If your partner is not on treatment and you do not want to use a condom, it would be recommended to use PrEP. This is a medication you can take daily and prevents any risk of HIV transmission to yourself.

  2. Nkosinathi

    Hi my partner she was not telling me that she positive now she’s pregnant she cam back and tell me that today she testing positive and she also came with the testing kit she forced me to test and said the nurse from the clinic they can phone to ask about my results OK I done the test and showing I’m negative so I would like to ke how dangerous I’ll to also get infected What must I do to protect. Myself to get infected

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anonymous, I am sorry to hear how your partner is taking this news. How are you doing while he is stressed about it?

    It is good that you felt comfortable telling your partner about your status. Does he know that there is no risk to him because your viral load is undetectable? This is called U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    It can take time for your partner to accept this but are you able to have open conversations with him about it? and do you know how he feels about HIV in general and what information would help him feel more comfortable about it? Does he know that while on treatment, there is largely no risk to both yours and his health?

  4. Anonymous

    Hi, I have been a hiv patient for years and in my results now it shows undetectable. Well I met my man in November 17 2021 we got talking and I fell in love with him. Had unprotected sex 2022 January 1…. I was scared that he’d leave me just the others after disclosing my status. So finally he knows but he isn’t taking it likely things have changed but I understand why…. I was wrong for keeping such from him. I have asked for forgiveness. He is taking it one day at a time but I can see that he’s stressed about it

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sandra, there is no interaction between B12 and TLD. It is safe to take these together. These 2 drugs will not cause your BP to increase. How do you know your BP increased?

  6. Sandra

    I TLD at the same time I started taking b12 vitamin not knowing am not supposed to take it together, my BP starting coming up, can my BP go back to normal ? now that I have stopped taking it together?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Unknown, have you asked your pharmacist? As they deal with the drug they will let you know if this is suitable for you to do.

  8. Unknown

    Can i break ltd tablet in half and eat it? I have been doing it since beginning. Arv counsellor said its okay to do so.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sai, without knowing the ranges of your tests I cannot comment on your results. Have you had problems with your kidneys before?

  10. Sai

    I have got creatinine levels 1.4 and mild fatty liver as I am using tld since 4 years do these medicines gets side-effects like this or should I change the medication.


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