Can I assume my symptoms while on PEP are seroconversion?
23 May 2022. Related: All topics, HIV testing, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE.
Hi, I’ve taken PEP due to the fact our condoms broke. I didn’t know the status of the lady. I took the Ranega (TLD) as PEP, after a week after I finished PEP I had flu and sore throat. Now we are in the 4th week and my body is itching and I can start seeing a rash.
Can I assume this is a seroconversion status? I haven’t taken any test yet because I’m waiting for a total of 6 weeks then I can go do a test.
Hi, how are you doing?
No. This is not likely seroconversion. These are too few and too general symptoms to be considered seroconversion.
The flu and the sore throat are common. Regardless of being on PEP it does not stop the flu being common. Do you still have these symptoms?
It is possible that this rash is a side effect of Ranega. Have you spoken to a doctor about this? A rash should be seen by a doctor from when you notice it.
Have you been able to speak to your partner about their status? There are a number of factors other than the use of a condom that can alter the risk of a transmission.
You are right that a test is conclusive after 6 weeks after PEP. But you can take a test at 4 weeks to help with stress. This test will be 95% accurate and the test at 6 weeks will be conclusive. This is a guide about dealing with test anxiety.Â
Please see this link for more info on PEP:
6 days ago i had a rough kiss with a positive lady who was 2 weeks in ART, by bad lack i bitten my upper lips and started bleeding, i immediately stopped kissing and rinsed my mouth. I started PEPs on the next day, but since the very first Day on peps, am unwell, itchy body no rushes, no sleep, sweating to much once i take the TLD tabs
What do you think about this??
Hi Megan, a runny nose and sneezing is not suggestive of HIV. Your exposure remains very low risk. Oral sex rarely transmits HIV. Saliva has antiviral properties which inhibits HIV. This makes this route of transmission very rare. As you are on PEP your risk is further reduced.
Please follow this link for more information about testing and transmission:
Hi there, I had Oral sex with a stranger I met on an app. He did not top me nor did him. He kissed me, we rimmed and I gave him a bj I am the only one who ejaculated. I am on Pep at the moment. Today is the 8th day but around day 6/7 I started experiencing flu like symptoms (runny nose, sneezing and tight chest)
Does this mean these are symptoms of the virus?
Hi John, while on PEP you are unsure of your status. It is possible for your partner to be contract HIV if you are having unprotected sex.
This is considered low risk but before you are sure of your status, it is important to use a condom. Or your partner can use PrEP to prevent further risk:
thank you doc, wat about at any chance i got the virus and then had unprotected sex with my girl while still on pep could she had gotten infected?
Hi John, do you mean you used a condom? If this was the case you would not have needed PEP. HIV cannot be transmitted if you use a condom. A sore throat is not a sign of seroconversion. It is also too early for a symptom to show after exposure – symptoms present a few weeks after transmission.
hi am john, am just a week away to complete my pep dosage after i had protected sex with a prostitute with unknown status and a sore throat just showed up, is this one of the hiv symptom? {I took pep just to be 100% Certain i never got the infection}
Hi Iyaji, these are not signs of seroconversion. What PEP did you use? It is possible that these are side effects but these would more likely present during your source of PEP. Stress and anxiety around testing can sometimes cause physical symptoms. Have you spoken to anyone about how you are feeling?
This soon after PEP and if these are not caused by stress, there may be another cause separate from HIV. Have you spoken to a nurse/doctor?
Hi Emmy, it is god that you have tested positive but you will need a second test 6 weeks post PEP. This will need to be a fourth generation antigen/antibody test to be conclusive. Have you begun treatment for Typhoid?
Please see here for more information about testing and transmission: